Update to Target Payment Card Data Breach


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Update to Target Payment Card Data Breach in U.S. Stores from the Mid-Atlantic Payments Association - MACHA

Target has added information on their website to specifically address concerns from their customers who may have been affected by the data breach that occured in their U.S. stores between November 27th and December 15th. Financial Institutions should focus on informing their customers about monitoring accounts for fraudulent activity and taking advantage of fraud alerts offered by institutions.

In addition to the breach itself, we have learned that phishing e-mails are being sent out that appear to be from Target. These e-mails play on the fears of the public that they may have had their card compromised. As a precaution you should make your cardholders aware of this potential threat and advise them to proceed with caution if they receive an e-mail from Target. They should NOT OPEN any links that may be included in these e-mails as that could potentially allow additional access to their personal information.

As more information becomes available, we will keep you updated via our website www.macha.org. If you have any further questions, please contact us at (410) 859-0090.