Upping the Anti



Upping the Ante

Well, just to make things fun around here.... If Kerry loses the election, y'all can pick out my next av that I will have to use for an entire week. :whistle: I don't suppose anyone would offer the same if Bush loses per chance :shrug:

This could be fun... :roflmao:
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jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
It's ANTE, fellow etymologist. :wink: And I'd be happy to supply your av either way. :whistle:
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jazz lady said:
It's ANTE, fellow etymologist. :wink: And I'd be happy to suppy your av either way. :whistle:

same here... :lol: thanks for the spelling catch. If Kerry wins I can give you an av to use for a week, and if Bush win's you can dig one up for me to be stuck with for a week :shrug:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
same here... :lol: thanks for the spelling catch. If Kerry wins I can give you an av to use for a week, and if Bush wins you can dig one up for me to be stuck with for a week :shrug:
Deal. :handshake:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Sharon said:
Don't count on it...

Dems will lose and then hide for a week. :killingme
I think there needs to be a condition that if she gets caught using an MPD instead of flashing the new av, the MPD and the original both need to use the av for a month.


vraiblonde said:
I think Dems is a good sport and will hold up her end of the bargain. :yay:

Yes, I'm a good sport... I'm still here arn't I :shrug: :lol:

Yes, I'm just debating on whether to let Jazz create a fitting sig line and title above the av if Kerry loses and the same if Bush loses... it may just be too much to take all in one week... :lol:


Nothing to see here

Quote of the day from M-I-L(proud supporter of clinton)

"If Kerry wins, I'm gonna drop dead. He's queer and his wife looks like a whore."

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
otter said:

Quote of the day from M-I-L(proud supporter of clinton)

"If Kerry wins, I'm gonna drop dead. He's queer and his wife looks like a whore."
:roflmao: That IS the quote of the year. :yay:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
Yes, I'm a good sport... I'm still here arn't I :shrug: :lol:
Or just a glutton for punishment. :wink:

Yes, I'm just debating on whether to let Jazz create a fitting sig line and title above the av if Kerry loses and the same if Bush loses... it may just be too much to take all in one week... :lol:
Be afraid...be VERY afraid. Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha... :pureevilgrin:


jazz lady said:
Or just a glutton for punishment. :wink:

Be afraid...be VERY afraid. Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha... :pureevilgrin:

I know you jazz, you'll find something nice, just the same as I would find a nice one for you.... :whistle: :lol:


The Original Lilly
Here is one to consider for your victory Jazz . . .


  • Kerry.jpg
    27.3 KB · Views: 66

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Thanks Lilly. I'll keep that one in mind. He looks better as a woman than as a man, but he's still butt-ugly. :lmao:


otter said:

Quote of the day from M-I-L(proud supporter of clinton)

"If Kerry wins, I'm gonna drop dead. He's queer and his wife looks like a whore."

jazz lady said:
Thanks Lilly. I'll keep that one in mind. He looks better as a woman than as a man, but he's still butt-ugly. :lmao:

She's to butt-ugly to be a whore....