Urgent Surgeon General's Warning: Horsehair


Rocky Mountain High!!
Urgent Notice: Potential Dangers of Exposure to Horse Hair

This is a public service announcement. In a press release today, the National Institute of Health has announced the discovery of a potentially dangerouse substance in the hair of horses. This substance, called "amobacter equuii" has been linked with the following symtoms in female humans:
reluctance to cook
reluctance to perform housework
reluctance to wear anything but boots
reluctance to work except in support of a horse
physical craving for contact with horses (may be an addiction)

Beware! If you come in contact with a female human infected by this substance, be prepared to talk about horses for hours on end.
Additional Surgeon General's Warning: Horses are expensive, addictive, and may impair the ablility to use common sense.

:cds: Does it always have to be ME posting in these potentially dangerous or contagious disease threads??

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New Member
Yeah.....school is about to begin!!! That means MORE time for me to ride and more free time. :yahoo: It is nice to be an adult sometimes.

I can not wait for school to start! FREEDOM!!!:yahoo: I can be at the barn most of the day, come home a couple hours before everyone throw on wash, dinner, do a little housework and fool all!:wink: