US churches to discuss evolution vs creation


Ubi bene ibi patria
"ATLANTA — After a lifetime in the church, the Rev. William L. Rhines Jr. lately has started to question one of the Bible's fundamental teachings, that God created man. It's an especially touchy topic in his Wilmington, Del., congregation, where generations of black worshippers have leaned on faith to endure the indignities of racism.

But as the world marks the 200th birthday of evolution theorist Charles Darwin on Thursday, Rhines figures its time for even the most conservative congregations to come to terms with science.

"We're becoming more middle class, upper middle class, so we have more free time ... to ponder these eternal issues," said Rhines, who will encourage a discussion at Ezion-Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church.

Hundreds of churches this week will revisit the question of whether man evolved from lower order species or was created whole by a higher being as part of Evolution Weekend.

Participation through sermons, Sunday school lessons and even evolution dances has expanded into 974 congregations across the country, more than doubling since the weekend began in 2006, said founder Michael Zimmerman, dean of the college of liberal arts and sciences at Butler University in Indianapolis.

Organizers said the churches include a growing number of conservative groups, among them black and Muslim groups typically linked to more traditional views."

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They're out to get us
I never understood why evolution and creation have to be mutually exclusive.

duh. Because the world isn't nearly as old as evolution would have you believe. PLUS if land animals and humans were created on the same day (and yes, a day is merely 24 hours!), then there's no way evolution could have occurred that quickly.

See this helpful link:
The Six Days of Creation

For each day of creation the pattern is the same: evening, morning, number, day. Just part of that pattern, for example using the words "evening" and "day" together, tell us it was a 24 hour day. But God tells us in three ways -- evening, morning, number -- that the word day means... an ordinary 24 hour day.

God is making it very clear: He created everything in six ordinary days.


Note: I actually agree that the two concepts can easily go hand in hand. It's mainly the religious nutballs that want you to believe otherwise :lol:


This whole thing is so stupid! Big deal, God created hairy monkey people. Get over yourselves already.