US had A-bomb, Japan had I-400 submarine.....


Ubi bene ibi patria
"ST. PAUL, Minn. (Tribune News Service) — During the final days of World War II, Gordon Neslund played a role in capturing one of Japan's most top-secret weapons.

While serving aboard the USS Proteus in the South Pacific, his ship was called from its regular duty of supporting and supplying U.S. submarines to help capture a Japanese vessel.

The Japanese had surrendered unofficially four days earlier, on Aug. 15, 1945, but some onboard the Proteus worried the Japanese sub's sailors would continue to fight.
The vessel raised a black flag — the naval sign of surrender — after U.S. destroyers followed the sub for hours.

As U.S sailors approached the submarine and began boarding, its size became more apparent. "It was a monster," said Neslund, a retiree living in Roseville. "Most of us didn't even know what it was when we first saw it."

Without knowing it, they had captured Japan's super-weapon project. ".....>