US may be preparing to strike at a country in the Mid East -the next week to 10 days


Well-Known Member
Any one else hear of this :confused:

From: the Peacewatchers at USAFs Fairford and Welford bases in the UK
Since Saturday, people in the Highlands of Scotland have been witnessing large movements of US warplanes overhead. Experienced observers say the large numbers are reminiscent of those that preceded the bombing of Iraq in 1998 and military strikes on Libya in the1980's as well as the first Gulf War.

At the weekend warplanes were flying over at a rate of roughly one every 15 minutes. As well as watching them from the ground the plane spotters have also been able to overhear pilots talking by listening to their radio frequencies.

At this rate some 288 warplanes would have passed over Scotland in three days.

It is thought that the planes have flown on a route from the US over the north pole to bases in Europe and the Mediterranean. The size and scale of the movement suggests that the US may be preparing to strike at a country in the Middle East in the next week to ten days.


Not dead yet.
Hey http! Let's get your low down on this. Imagine, you could be the first to tell all us conservative dunderheads what to think about this.

Is this the preamble to an invasion of Syria? How about Iran? I'm waiting to hear how this is somehow just another dumb thing that W must be blamed for.

C'mon, spin it!



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
God, how I hope they're going after the Palestinians!

It kind of disturbs me that the press reports this stuff. What if they've found Osama bin Laden and are going to capture him? Now the press has given him the heads up and he knows to take off.

(Okay, I realize they wouldn't need all the air power for that but you get my idea)


Well-Known Member
I'm not believin' it. Not the first time that someone reading the skies has conjectured something totally pointless. For all I know they're just transporting troops for r&r and replacing some worn down equipment or sending in those armored vehicles they talked about.

When nothing comes of this, there won't be any attention to this idle speculation - until the NEXT stupid conjecture takes its place.

It's all BS.


New Member
Originally posted by tlatchaw
Hey http! Let's get your low down on this. Imagine, you could be the first to tell all us conservative dunderheads what to think about this.

Is this the preamble to an invasion of Syria? How about Iran? I'm waiting to hear how this is somehow just another dumb thing that W must be blamed for.

C'mon, spin it!


I don't spin.

So with that said, there is no reason, now at least to invade Iran.

As far as Syria, yes, I would put money on it. This is what they should have done long before Iraq.

Ultimately I would like to see us take out Saudi Arabia. That would end it all.

This has nothing to do with being a conservative or a liberal. This has to do with simple organization skills.


New Member
Who knows? He may be going for some strikes in Iraq again, to which at this point I agree with if it helps get the insurgents off our backs. 2 more boys killed last night folks.