US military to unveil plan to cut personnel costs


Well-Known Member
Pardon me while my head explodes.

The democrats don't want to cut anything for the give me more for free class, however we have this douche bag democrat saying this.

"This is a real uphill battle with Congress," said Mieke Eoyang, a former Democratic congressional aide and director of the National Security Program at Third Way, a centrist think tank in Washington.

"God bless [Mr. Hagel] for trying to get a handle on these costs," she said. "But in this political environment, in an election year, it's going to be hard for members of Congress to accept anything that's viewed as taking benefits away from troops."

US military to unveil plan to cut personnel costs | Fox News


Legacy costs, ie retirement checks and health care are probably the big hard to control ones. I've often wondered why they don't phase in (ie new enlistments) where they pay more but eliminate legacy costs unless someone is injured in the line of duty.


Well-Known Member
A 1 year freeze on pay raises for top brass? Oh the humanity!!!

Sorry Crash, i could be wrong and if so i do apologize, may have misunderstood it.

to recommend a limit on military pay raises, higher fees for health-care benefits and less generous housing allowances to prune billions of dollars in benefits from the defense budget, setting up an election-year confrontation with veterans groups and lawmakers.

Faced with steadily increasing military personnel costs that threaten to overwhelm an ever-tighter budget, Mr. Hagel is also expected to include a one-year freeze on raises for top military brass—a gesture meant to show that the best-compensated leaders also will make sacrifices.

I think the lower ranks / will feel the pain much more than the upper ranks, especially cutting commissary benefits and all. Somehow i still think the grunts and retired military grunts will suffer a lot more than " the best-compensated leaders " I was always a grunt, ps didn't retire but know many that did.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Crash, i could be wrong and if so i do apologize, may have misunderstood it.

to recommend a limit on military pay raises, higher fees for health-care benefits and less generous housing allowances to prune billions of dollars in benefits from the defense budget, setting up an election-year confrontation with veterans groups and lawmakers.

Faced with steadily increasing military personnel costs that threaten to overwhelm an ever-tighter budget, Mr. Hagel is also expected to include a one-year freeze on raises for top military brass—a gesture meant to show that the best-compensated leaders also will make sacrifices.

I think the lower ranks / will feel the pain much more than the upper ranks, especially cutting commissary benefits and all. Somehow i still think the grunts and retired military grunts will suffer a lot more than " the best-compensated leaders " I was always a grunt, ps didn't retire but know many that did.

I scrolled too fast and didn't see the first paragraph.

Either way, DoD needs to change the culture about the military advertising itself as a place to get cool job training and money for college and get back to being a place where fearless people go kill bad guys.


Well-Known Member
I scrolled too fast and didn't see the first paragraph.

Either way, DoD needs to change the culture about the military advertising itself as a place to get cool job training and money for college and get back to being a place where fearless people go kill bad guys.

Crash, again i may be not understanding you, however the only thing holding our military back is the powers that be in Washington DC. IMHO we have the best military troops in the world. However when the so called Govt. sends them in harms way, and starts this rules of engagement crap on them things fall apart rapidly. The USA powers that are and have been haven't realized it yet, that we are great at going some place and kicking ass. After the original ass kicking is over the diplomats start this, well lets turn our troops over to a police/ training force while still in a war zone. Want to win a war, our troops have the stuff and do it quickly, let our politics get involved our troops sit over there with their hands and feet tied behind their backs, and have multiple deployments, over and over again. Meanwhile the #######s in Washington have no end game in site and send our troops back over there again and again and again, because the Washington douchebags can't figure out what the hell they want to do except send American troops into harms way, with no end game in site. Sorry JMHO.


Well-Known Member
Crash, tell that to the families whose kids are dying over their daily, since all this BS started, and i still haven't heard what the end game is according to our so called POTUS / Dictator.


Well-Known Member
Crash, tell that to the families whose kids are dying over their daily, since all this BS started, and i still haven't heard what the end game is according to our so called POTUS / Dictator.

1 - Kids don't join the military. Adults do.
2 - Nobody is forced to do it.

And when the military is marketed as a place to learn how to become a graphic artist, it makes it that much harder to deal with getting shot at.


And when the military is marketed as a place to learn how to become a graphic artist, it makes it that much harder to deal with getting shot at.

I am imagining boot camp with Decoupage and Clorox bottle pigs with stick on wobble eyes.


My 401K is now a 201K
I scrolled too fast and didn't see the first paragraph.

Either way, DoD needs to change the culture about the military advertising itself as a place to get cool job training and money for college and get back to being a place where fearless people go kill bad guys.
It's not 'culture' It was a contract they made if a member did 20 years & they need to make good on the contract they made with many veterans who were promised that in the past.