US used 'Heavy Metal' to torture Iraqi militants


Lawful neutral

Torture doesn't necessarily have to deal with physical pain. The US military have used Christian heavy metal music by the band Demon Hunter after rockers Metallica asked they stop using their recordings on prisoners.

The US Navy SEAL involved in the killing of Osama bin Laden told Esquire magazine that prior to using Demon Hunter recordings, the commandoes used Metallica music to pull information out of Iraqi prisoners.

“When we first started the war in Iraq we were using Metallica music to soften people up before we interrogated them,” the spokesperson said.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...after rockers Metallica asked they stop using their recordings on prisoners. .

What a bunch of butt munches! First Napster, now this. You can't BUY that kind of promotion and ONLY Metallica, Inc, All Rights Reseved, would be big enough a$$hats to tell US Navy SEAL's "You can't use our art for that sort of thing, you brutes!"
