The Jackoholic
thinning out the tards
i had my computer built a couple of years ago. when i tried to use the 3.5 floppy the computer would shut down and reboot. then about a year ago i tried to put a flash memory stick into the front usb port and it did the same thing and when it rebooted i lost keyboard and mouse functions. i would have to remove the stick and reboot then everything was i just went out and bought a new printer that only uses a usb to connect to the back of the computer. well the same damn thing is happening,reboot and loss of keyboard and mouse functions.
anybody know why this is happening and do you think it can be fixed? is it mechanical or just something that is in the computer settings? help!
anybody know why this is happening and do you think it can be fixed? is it mechanical or just something that is in the computer settings? help!