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Cannabis smokers 'more likely to develop testicular cancer although risk can be reduced by using COCAINE' | Mail Online
Men who smoke cannabis are at greater risk of testicular cancer, a new study suggests, but men who use cocaine may be at a lower risk from the disease.
Researchers have found a link between recreational cannabis use and an increased risk of developing subtypes of testicular cancer.
The findings say not only should marijuana users consider the risk in smoking the drug, but also doctors who administer it for therapeutic purposes in young male patients.
Men who smoke cannabis are at greater risk of testicular cancer, a new study suggests, but men who use cocaine may be at a lower risk from the disease.
Researchers have found a link between recreational cannabis use and an increased risk of developing subtypes of testicular cancer.
The findings say not only should marijuana users consider the risk in smoking the drug, but also doctors who administer it for therapeutic purposes in young male patients.