Using Excel to solve systems of equations.


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Originally posted by migtig
Yes it can be done. Click on view and then formular bar. A toolbar pops up
click on the cell that needs to be formatted. then where the toolbar popped up there is a calculator emblem with = sign. In that window you need to type in the formula you need the data the document to calculate such as =A2:D2 or =(A2+D2)*E2

Hmmmm... not sure if we're talking about the same time.
I'm familiar with using excel to do formulas and such.

What I'm looking for is how I might solve a set of equations, i.e. 6 equations with 6 unknowns, much like you might have used to do matrix math in your linear algebra courses? Or with Matlab or your graphics calculator.

Such as
[25 22 13 [x [15
11 12 43 times y = 25
13 11 45] z] 35]

where you would solve for X, Y, and Z.

Can this be done in Excel?
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Originally posted by Ken King
Look at Excel's Help for Goal Seek, this might help you.

I was tinkering with the Goal Seek earlier... but my impression was that it could only solve a system of 2 equations... I'll give it a harder lookt hough...


Yes it can, can do inverses, jacobians etc.

I have files at home that have the formulias built in, ill get them to you tonight.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by czygvtwkr
Yes it can, can do inverses, jacobians etc.

I have files at home that have the formulias built in, ill get them to you tonight.

Cool! That'd be a big help. :smile: Thanks. :yay:


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Originally posted by czygvtwkr
Did that work for you?

I got sidetracked on something else and didn't get to it. I'll look at it again next week.

Can it be modified to do a 6 x 6 matrix?


You can easily make one for a 6x6 using the same technique, less than 5 minutes to do it.