Utah Concealed Carry permit class - 12/7 La Plata


If anyone is interested in obtaining the Utah Concealed Carry Permit, come on down to La Plata this Saturday. Although this won't help you in Maryland, having this permit is great if you travel.

I always post this information if classes are held in the area. ASTC does a great job with the class and are extremely helpful. They even offer the best price anywhere on this class.

Even if you are new to firearms, don't hesitate to take this class. There is a ton of info that would be extremely helpful to new firearms owners, or those who would like to obtain a firearm. The class is a lot of fun and very relaxed. Just come on down and grab a seat. :yahoo:

December 7 at 10 a.m.
American Legion
6330 Crain Hwy., Laplata, MD 20646
"Walk-In" Class - No reservations - First come, first seated.
Cost: $50 Cash or Money Order only

The Utah State concealed firearms permit is recognized in 35 states and is available to out-of-state residents. The basic requirements are:

  • Must be 21 years of age or older
  • No criminal record or domestic violence conviction
  • Be a U.S. Citizen, Naturalized Citizen or Resident Alien
  • Must complete a 4 (four) hour training class by a Certified Utah Instructor
  • No recent alcohol related offenses.

We provide the application form and will fingerprint you without charge upon completion of the training class.

FL, CO, MI & NH recognize the Utah CFP for Utah Residents Only.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I attended one of these classes at the VFW in California several months ago. Very informative and organized one stop shopping. If you plan to go sign up ASAP, the classes are normally standing room only. I also did my MD collectors permit through them too. :buddies:

Edit- maybe not the same class, we had to reserve seating and it cost much more.
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Well-Known Member
I kind of wonder

About the data on class members. Where does it go ? Does the Government have access (stupid question) ? Kind of a good data base for gun owners and confiscation. Just my opinion.

Call me paranoid if you wish, I just don't trust Uncle Sam in the least.


About the data on class members. Where does it go ? Does the Government have access (stupid question) ? Kind of a good data base for gun owners and confiscation. Just my opinion.

Call me paranoid if you wish, I just don't trust Uncle Sam in the least.

Not a stupid question at all.

After completing the class, you are handed the application and the completed fingerprint card. You will send both of these to State of Utah.

Utah treats this information confidential and does not disclose who has permits to anyone. Also, the State of Maryland is not involved in this transaction at all, therefore no information is shared (or available) to them. :buddies:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Not a stupid question at all.

After completing the class, you are handed the application and the completed fingerprint card. You will send both of these to State of Utah.

Utah treats this information confidential and does not disclose who has permits to anyone. Also, the State of Maryland is not involved in this transaction at all, therefore no information is shared (or available) to them. :buddies:

I have no problem with peeps getting - legally - CWP's - I have had one myself for over 10 years in Fl - but believe me, the feds can, or probably instantly do, have that information just by your SSN popping up on any application search.

NSA is most likely monitoring this thread as we type.:buddies:

They the bomb!:killingme