VA: Secret List ....


PREMO Member
maybe this should be under conspiracy theories

‘He Suffered. He Screamed. He Cried’: Congress Calls for Investigation of Phoenix VA That Reportedly Denied Vets Medical Attention, Leaving 40 to Die

Before losing his battle with stage 4 bladder cancer and passing away on Nov. 30, 2013, Breen and his family tried again and again to seek medical help from the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system. But along with thousands of other veterans who gave their youth and energy to serve their country, Breen was reportedly placed on a “secret list” and told to wait.

Breen is one of at least 40 U.S. veterans who died while waiting for treatment, CNN reported, suggesting that the Phoenix VA used the “secret list” to stage a cover-up.

“These are extremely disturbing allegations,” Rep. Jeff Miller (R-Fla.), chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, said Thursday. “If proven true, these charges will only add to the growing pattern of preventable veteran deaths and patient safety incidents at VA medical centers across the country that are united by one common theme: VA’s extreme reluctance to hold its employees and executives accountable.”

after all that pesky cancer treatment for old people who are end of life, like a Windows XP Computer - is expensive

Part of the secret wait list scheme, Foote said, involves shredding documents. Some employees are even instructed to pretend to schedule veterans for appointments. For example, when a veteran seeks medical attention, a VA employee would “enter information into the computer and do a screen capture hard copy printout. They then do not save what was put into the computer so there’s no record that you were ever here,” he said.

Accurate information regarding when veterans first started waiting for treatment is then destroyed, as a phony list takes its place.

“That hard copy, if you will, that has the patient demographic information is then taken and placed onto a secret electronic waiting list, and then the data that is on that paper is shredded,” Foote said.

“So the only record that you have ever been there requesting care was on that secret list,” he added. “And they wouldn’t take you off that secret list until you had an appointment time that was less than 14 days so it would give the appearance that they were improving greatly the waiting times, when in fact they were not.”
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Active Member
Why is it so shocking that the VA has such substandard care? Who hasn't known that for years. Government run healthcare. It's what everyone wants, right?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why is it so shocking that the VA has such substandard care? Who hasn't known that for years. Government run healthcare. It's what everyone wants, right?

And there it is.

Excellent point. There'll be no death panels. Some poor schmuck at a desk will be ordered by some lackey to some special assistant to the acting Health Czar to pretend to schedule you and just let you ####ing rot.


Well-Known Member
And there it is.

Excellent point. There'll be no death panels. Some poor schmuck at a desk will be ordered by some lackey to some special assistant to the acting Health Czar to pretend to schedule you and just let you ####ing rot.

Amen Brother, and remember the ones who schedule you will belong to the SEIU.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Amen Brother, and remember the ones who schedule you will belong to the SEIU.

Which means, all along, the D's were being honest and Palin was wrong.

"There will NEVER be death panels, people! Stop with the hysterics! We have far better ways of going about control..."

THAT is the scary version...