Vatican issues commandments for drivers


Baby blues
High EGT said:
...I would like to add a commandment:

Thou shall merge to the right or pull over if Thou talks more then 30 sec on cell phone.
Apparently praying while driving is encouraged. Would this fall under this rule too - if we do it more than 30 seconds?

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
Tinkerbell said:
Apparently praying while driving is encouraged. Would this fall under this rule too - if we do it more than 30 seconds?

Only if the prayer is traditional in posture where as both hands are clasped together.

This commandment should cover it...... :dude:

Thou shall not steer with knee caps so as to multi task


In My Opinion
leave these parents be.
Im sure they have enough grief on their minds without all you all needling them over the facts.