Vatican Trashes Tradition


Ubi bene ibi patria
Vatican nativity does away with the manger

"For 25 years, the Christmas Nativity scene in front of St Peter's Basilica has shown the infant Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem.

This year, however, the Vatican has decided to radically change the scene, shifting it to Nazareth, and placing Jesus in his father's carpentry shop."

Vatican nativity does away with the manger - Telegraph


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Not exactly the "Nativity" is it?

Main Entry:
na·tiv·i·ty Listen to the pronunciation of nativity
\nə-ˈti-və-tē, nā-\
Inflected Form(s):
plural na·tiv·i·ties
Middle English nativite, from Anglo-French nativité, from Medieval Latin nativitat-, nativitas, from Late Latin, birth, from Latin nativus
14th century

1: the process or circumstances of being born : birth; especially capitalized : the birth of Jesus2: a horoscope at or of the time of one's birth3: the place of origin


New Member
Vatican nativity does away with the manger

"For 25 years, the Christmas Nativity scene in front of St Peter's Basilica has shown the infant Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem.

This year, however, the Vatican has decided to radically change the scene, shifting it to Nazareth, and placing Jesus in his father's carpentry shop."

Vatican nativity does away with the manger - Telegraph

so what did they do before the nativity was shwn as the manger? It says they have only done that the last 25 years

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
I can't believe it! I love the nativity scene. When I go to Christmas Mass, I always stand and stare at the nativity scene. I hope all churches don't get rid of it.