


Okay. I have an SUV, and my DH has his BMW sedan.

He came home early today to work on the lawn.

He told me he was going to Home Depot to pick up TWO bags of lime, and then told me he was taking my MDX.

I asked him how large the bags of lime are.

Needless to say, he took his precious Beamer. Why should my perfect (to me) vehicle get the wear and tear unless he is talking about a BIG load that his BMW is not able to carry?

Opinions, please.


curiouser and curiouser
:shrug: 9 times out of 10, we take the XTerra to Lowes (unless D is parked behind me and we just need something small). I don't really care what goes in the back of it, because the cargo area isn't carpeted. It's got sand in the back of it anyways from the trips to the beach. :lol:


Nickel said:
:shrug: 9 times out of 10, we take the XTerra to Lowes (unless D is parked behind me and we just need something small). I don't really care what goes in the back of it, because the cargo area isn't carpeted. It's got sand in the back of it anyways from the trips to the beach. :lol:

These are both carpeted, but mine does not have a trunk, just wide open cargo space, and he can hide the debris in an enclosed area.

Get my drift?


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Wenchy said:
Okay. I have an SUV, and my DH has his BMW sedan.

He came home early today to work on the lawn.

He told me he was going to Home Depot to pick up TWO bags of lime, and then told me he was taking my MDX.

I asked him how large the bags of lime are.

Needless to say, he took his precious Beamer. Why should my perfect (to me) vehicle get the wear and tear unless he is talking about a BIG load that his BMW is not able to carry?

Opinions, please.

In that situation? IMO, it doesn't matter what he takes.

In general? Its up to you two to figure out who drives what and when.

My Neon is on jack stands at the moment since it has a blown headgasket. Half of the engine is split between my parent's garage and basement (living between there and the GF's until I settle on the house). So I take my Ranger to work.

GF usually drives her Neon. If we go somewhere together we'll take hers, unless we need the truck to haul something. If we're both home from work and I need to go somewhere, I'll take hers. Of course, its 27mpg vs. 18mpg, and I'm paying for the gas and doing the maintenance to all three.


Chain729 said:
In that situation? IMO, it doesn't matter what he takes.

In general? Its up to you two to figure out who drives what and when.

I do believe that I did. :wench:

I told him he could have picked up the 2 bags of lime on his way home from the office (right on the way)

No need for added wear and tear on either vehicle.


curiouser and curiouser
Wenchy said:
These are both carpeted, but mine does not have a trunk, just wide open cargo space, and he can hide the debris in an enclosed area.

Get my drift?
I can see your point, but I don't sweat the small stuff. If he wants to haul a bag of lime and potentially mess up the carpet, I wouldn't care, as long as he vaccumed it up when he was done. And if he didn't vaccum it up, I probably still wouldn't care. :lmao: Aside from the fact that it wouldn't bother me, he pays my car payment, so I let him do whatever he wants with it. :lmao:


Nickel said:
I can see your point, but I don't sweat the small stuff. If he wants to haul a bag of lime and potentially mess up the carpet, I wouldn't care, as long as he vaccumed it up when he was done. And if he didn't vaccum it up, I probably still wouldn't care. :lmao: Aside from the fact that it wouldn't bother me, he pays my car payment, so I let him do whatever he wants with it. :lmao:

I don't have a car payment on the MDX (I paid for it) and he does on his Beamer. :lol:

Wait until you get :hot: and you might start sweating the small stuff.


I am so very blessed
If he's hauling bags of lime, or anything cumbersome or heavy, it would make sense to take the SUV. The height of the rear storage area of the SUV is more forgiving to a person's back than the trunk of a regular vehicle.

He should've taken your vehicle, Wenchy. Sorry.
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Lem Putt
As the man in the relationship, he should have just taken whichever vehicle he wanted, and you should have had a cold beer waiting for him when he got home.

By the way, if you ever see my wife again, please don't tell her I said that.


BadGirl said:
If he's hauling bags of lime, or anything cumbersome or heavy, it would make sense to take the SUV. The height of the rear storage area of the SUV is more forgiving to a person's back than the truck of a regular vehicle.

He should've taken your vehicle, Wenchy. Sorry.

I figured that. I just felt like being a b!tch (and I hate his BMW...:lol:) :huggy:


I'm Rick James #####!
I would have skipped the lime and went for a drive to pick up young stupid chicks in my BMW. :lmao:


MMDad said:
As the man in the relationship, he should have just taken whichever vehicle he wanted, and you should have had a cold beer waiting for him when he got home.

By the way, if you ever see my wife again, please don't tell her I said that.

Your sarcasm and secrets are safe with me. :buddies:
Wenchy said:
Wait until you get :hot: and you might start sweating the small stuff.
When my mom was going thru menopause, I used to call home and make her put my dad on the phone just so I could hear his voice to be sure she didn't kill him that day... you know you've hit full blown menopause when you find your daughter doing the same...:lol:


kwillia said:
When my mom was going thru menopause, I used to call home and make her put my dad on the phone just so I could hear his voice to be sure she didn't kill him that day... you know you've hit full blown menopause when you find your daughter doing the same...:lol:

I can be pure :evil: and I don't like it.

At the same time, I am getting my way more than ever, and my daughter does call me frequently.

I still can't figure out why he bought a family unfriendly car, and I have the practical one (that I love)

He can keep his German Mistress, and leave his hands off of my Japanese Delight.

If there is a good reason to use my car, I can still be sensible...I think.


New Member
For fun, my g/f and I drive my Mustang.

If we're going to haul people, we take her Impala.

Anything else, we take my F-150!


lower life form
My wife has standing permission to use my little mini-pickup truck whenever she's carrying something that's even the slightest bit awkward to get in and out of her Honda Accord. Even little ten-pounders of kitty litter and planters full of flowers and stuff like that. Hey, that's why I bought the thing!


I'm Rick James #####!
OrneryPest said:
My wife has standing permission to use my little mini-pickup truck whenever she's carrying something that's even the slightest bit awkward to get in and out of her Honda Accord. Even little ten-pounders of kitty litter and planters full of flowers and stuff like that. Hey, that's why I bought the thing!

That's not the same as an Acura MDX though. :lmao:


I bowl overhand
Wenchy said:
These are both carpeted, but mine does not have a trunk, just wide open cargo space, and he can hide the debris in an enclosed area.

Get my drift?
Yeah, but yours IS the SUV.. his is the SEDAN.. makes sense the TRUCK or SUV goes to the Hardware store, the Sedan goes out to dinner, and the theater..

I mean if the closest thing to a truck you own is an MDX.. you take the girly truck to be as manly as you can be when you go to the man store.