Verdict reached in Bobby Cuts Jr case


But wait, there's more...
Is that the one where the woman's still missing and presumed dead?

No, I believe they did find her body. He was a police officer, and she was 9 months pregnant with his baby ... her mother came to the house and found her toddler son wandering the house, saying "Mommy's crying in the rug" or something like that, and "daddy's angry".


New Member
No, I believe they did find her body. He was a police officer, and she was 9 months pregnant with his baby ... her mother came to the house and found her toddler son wandering the house, saying "Mommy's crying in the rug" or something like that, and "daddy's angry".
I didn't think they found her body, but I never gave a rat's azz about this case anyways. There were more important stories happening at the time that the M$M were ignoring alltogether.


Lem Putt
I didn't think they found her body, but I never gave a rat's azz about this case anyways. There were more important stories happening at the time that the M$M were ignoring alltogether.

:confused: You don't care about a murder case, but you follow every move Britney makes. You go girl!


New Member
No, I believe they did find her body. He was a police officer, and she was 9 months pregnant with his baby ... her mother came to the house and found her toddler son wandering the house, saying "Mommy's crying in the rug" or something like that, and "daddy's angry".

)'m waiting for the inevitable appearance of Rev Al, the thousands of marchers gathering saying this is an racial occurance because he is black, she was white...blah blah and JCP, Jr.'s upcoming thread saying we nonblacks are responsible for this,etc etc etc......:lalala:(theme from the Twilight Zone)


Free to Fly
The short version ... he's guilty, and the jury apparently agreed.

Bastard! :burning:

For a cop he sure did give a ridiculous version of how he "accidently" killed her. He admitted his guilt but spinning a story like that he had to figure they were not going to buy it no matter how many crocodile tears he shed. The man had three other kids to support - you would think he would have figured out by now what was causing the pregnancies and then he wouldn't have had to kill Davis to avoid more child support. What a pathetic excuse to take the lives of a woman and your child.


Good thing it wasn't the OJ criminal jury!

They can't kill the bastage soon enough!!!


Methodically disorganized
For a cop he sure did give a ridiculous version of how he "accidently" killed her.
A person will say a lot of things when desperate. And occasionally someone on the jury is dumb enough to believe it and the whole thing hits a wall.

I'm glad this is finally settled, and they can now toss this effer out with the daily trash.
The short version ... he's guilty, and the jury apparently agreed.

Bastard! :burning:

:yeahthat: Let's not forget this is the dude who off'd her IN FRONT OF THEIR 2 YEAR OLD SON... "Mommy's in the rug." is what the poor kid had to offer when interviewed about his "missing" mom. :burning:


New Member
:confused: You don't care about a murder case, but you follow every move Britney makes. You go girl!
The media was skipping out on some pretty big stories to cover the Cutts murder case when it started. I thought it was totally unimportant when there was something more important going on. And, I only follow what they report on the news with Britney.

Quite honestly, it's gotten to the point that I'm not watching the news but three nights a week. This government's reckless spending and our choice of Presidential candidates just pisses me off, so I'd rather not watch it.


Thank God!!

A person will say a lot of things when desperate. And occasionally someone on the jury is dumb enough to believe it and the whole thing hits a wall.

I'm glad this is finally settled, and they can now toss this effer out with the daily trash.

Thank God they found him guilty!! And that poor baby to witness that! Yes he's very young, but still! Shame that his father is such a waste of space!

Now if they could just find the body of Drew Peterson's wife. He'll get caught sooner or later!


Free to Fly
:yeahthat: Let's not forget this is the dude who off'd her IN FRONT OF THEIR 2 YEAR OLD SON... "Mommy's in the rug." is what the poor kid had to offer when interviewed about his "missing" mom. :burning:

Exactly right and then he turns around on the stand and says he took her body away so the kid wouldn't have to see his Mom. What a lying piece of garbage.


New Member
Verdict reached in... 02-15-2008 11:08 AM self centered azzhole

Unsigned, go figure. :rolleyes:

I didn't know the person. Why does this case deserve more attention than the murder cases that happen every day? :shrug:

I heard about it the first 14 days the MSM covered it endlessly like the world had ended. When I saw the other 'unimportant stories' on the newsticker that were more interesting and more important, I completely lost the little bit of interest I had in this story.

Sure, it's front page news when there's actually a new development, but I just don't care what some washed up retired FBI agent *thinks* happened. That's all it was for 10 straight days. I got sick of it.

Glad to see justice served. :yay:


New Member
For a cop he sure did give a ridiculous version of how he "accidently" killed her. He admitted his guilt but spinning a story like that he had to figure they were not going to buy it no matter how many crocodile tears he shed. The man had three other kids to support - you would think he would have figured out by now what was causing the pregnancies and then he wouldn't have had to kill Davis to avoid more child support. What a pathetic excuse to take the lives of a woman and your child.
Yeah, he should have murdered his penis.


But wait, there's more...
And the defense is already filing for an appeal due to mistrial because the jury inconsistently returned guilty verdicts for aggravated murder for the baby, but not the mother. :duh:

HELLO! You confessed to killing her ... quit being a puss, suck it up and take your punishment like a man. :buttkick:


Would THIS face lie?
When I saw who this thread was started by, I thought it was about Bobby Labonte and Dale Jr. fighting in Daytona....:lmao: