Had the strangest problem this morning getting into my Verizon email. None of my devices could get in via POP, but the web site was working fine. Found an article from a person months ago that was having the same issue, and it turns out there was a problem using WiFi. Sure enough, turned off WiFI on the laptop and cabled in direct, and everything worked normally. Disconnected the cable and turned WiFi back on, and is still working.
Had to do the same thing on my cell phone, disable WiFi, connect to Verizon using wireless service, then re-enable WiFi to get it working again.
For those of you who are more knowledgeable in this, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the recent Verizon change to the incoming and outgoing ports.
Had to do the same thing on my cell phone, disable WiFi, connect to Verizon using wireless service, then re-enable WiFi to get it working again.
For those of you who are more knowledgeable in this, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the recent Verizon change to the incoming and outgoing ports.