Verizon Sucks


Dirty Old Man in Training
Nuff said.

Half the freakin area is down this morning because some jack@ss decided to "work on" something... At least it was a copper trunk that was cut and not one of the OC's...


Dirty Old Man in Training
So I wonder what was cut, cuz they told me copper... sounds like I was getting smoke blown... bastards. Wonder if they even know what the heck's going on.


It was weird because while we all those problems at work when I went home I have phone, internet, etc. and I am less 1 mile from the office.


Yeah, I just got back on line about 20 min ago. Had to call my internet provider to find out it was Verizon who was the problem.:mad:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
On base we started getting the circuits back up at 3:18. Everyone else was up then or shortly there after.