Very interesting..obesity


Dream Stealer
Study: Doctors Have Less Respect Toward Obese Patients - Nutrition | Physical -
This one caught my attention because sometimes I feel that I feel less respectful of someone who is obese..especially when I worked at the hospital. I don't mean overweight..I don't feel like I feel anything different towards someone who is overweight..I generally don't notice or care many of my family and friends are..and I'm no stick figure.....but when I have a patient that weighs 500 pounds..I do feel like I respect them less. I had to actually evaluate my actions and words when I had a patient that large..because I did not want them to know I felt this way..and I tried to make myself as non-judgmental as possible..but I still felt it. Especially since I have probably had around 10 or so exceptionally large patients in my years at the hospital..I mean in the 400-500-ish pound range..even a 700 pound patient before...and I have only liked one of them personally. She was swweet and lovely. All of the others where petty and demanding..(now, I know I have had limited experience..9 is in no way representative of the whole population) None of these ten had any medical explanation for their obesity..(and they rarely do) they just had terribly unhealthy lives. Many had people sneak food in..and most were uncooperative with hospital diets. I think that this may color health care worker's view of obesity..especially since we see the grotesque effects on the body...and maybe not so much the "society's view." I would think that healthcare workers have a lesser view of obese people that the average person..because of the intimacy to the problem..and knowledge of the horrific damage it can do to someone...and knowing that it is preventable....

Nightclubs for the Plus-Size Start to Take Shape - Nutrition | Physical -
This one is about night clubs for people that are overweight. I am conflicted because while I think it is great they have a chance to go out without being judged...and that they can feel good about themselves no matter what their size...I feel like this allows them to continue to be obese/overweight..and depending on the degree..that could be seriously affecting their health! I generally want to let people be...if they are happy being be it...but isn't a little social pressure good sometimes?

I would like to know what others it wrong to respect someone less because they are terribly obese? Should we accomodate people no matter their size? Even if their size is likely to kill them in the near future?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I do not care two figs about big fat people unless they want to share my airplane seat or infringe on my space in any manner. Then I will judge them because they are making their problem MY problem, and I don't appreciate that.


I am so very blessed
I do not care two figs about big fat people unless they want to share my airplane seat or infringe on my space in any manner. Then I will judge them because they are making their problem MY problem, and I don't appreciate that.
:bawl: I'm so sorry. :bawl:

port air

Big Grouch
Try sitting next one on the commuter bus......and then be expected to move over so they can expand into your seat.....makes me wonder why I even try sometimes....