Very sad


Why me??
Hello all. A guy here at work told me yesterday he had to put his dog down this past weekend. He was so upset when he was telling me it just broke my heart. He said the dog got a hold of an Advil. He is blaming himself for this. He thinks there is something he could of done. Him and his wife don't remember dropping the Advil on the floor. I didn't know that this could cause a dog's death. I use to give my Pitbull my allergy medicane when she got hives, cause that's what the vet told me to do. Just wanted to share this with you guys. Didn't mean to be a downer.
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Hello all. A guy here at work told me yesterday he had to put his dog down this past weekend. He was so upset when he was telling me it just broke my heart. He said the dog got a hold of an Advil. He is blaming himself for this. He thinks there is something he could of done. Him and his wife don't remember dropping the Advil on the floor. I didn't know that this could cause a dog's death. I use to give my Pitbull my allergy medicane when she got hives, cause that's what the vet told me to do. Just wanted to share this with you guys. Didn't mean to be a downer.

that is very sad, hopefully he won't beat himself up forever, accidents do happen, but it is sad nontheless. I've lost 3 dogs and 3 cats so far in my life and it nevver is easy.


happy to be living
Hello all. A guy here at work told me yesterday he had to put his dog down this past weekend. He was so upset when he was telling me it just broke my heart. He said the dog got a hold of an Advil. He is blaming himself for this. He thinks there is something he could of done. Him and his wife don't remember dropping the Advil on the floor. I didn't know that this could cause a dog's death. I use to give my Pitbull my allergy medicane when she got hives, cause that's what the vet told me to do. Just wanted to share this with you guys. Didn't mean to be a downer.

It is hard to lose a pet regardless of how they die. Your friend will likely grieve for a long time. Is it possible the dog got into the advil on his own? If I left my purse on the floor, my dog would tear through it and pick out rolaids, gum, candies and who knows what else. She chewed plastic pill bottles if they were within reach.

Most vets will tell you it is OK to give dogs Benedryl for allergies.

There are many household items that *can* be fatal to dogs like chocolate, raisins, grapes; some studies say onions. Medicines and household chemical cleaners are bad and should always be kept out of reach of both pets and children! Certain plants can make both cats and dogs sick.

Of course, not every animal reacts the same way to what they ingest. I have talked to people that say their dog ate a whole box of chocolates or that they feed their dogs grapes on a regular basis.

I would rather be safe than sorry and try to keep the temptations out of harm's way.


Why me??
that is very sad, hopefully he won't beat himself up forever, accidents do happen, but it is sad nontheless. I've lost 3 dogs and 3 cats so far in my life and it nevver is easy.

This morning I gave him a card for him and his family and he just gave me a big hug and thanked me. He said it is very hard on him and the family. His little girl who is 3 thinks that Piper ( the dog ) is just away for a few days, she doesn't understand. He said when he got home last night from work he just stood in the door way cause thats where she wouls greet him at. Like I said it just breaks my heart.


I wanna be a SMIB
This morning I gave him a card for him and his family and he just gave me a big hug and thanked me. He said it is very hard on him and the family. His little girl who is 3 thinks that Piper ( the dog ) is just away for a few days, she doesn't understand. He said when he got home last night from work he just stood in the door way cause thats where she wouls greet him at. Like I said it just breaks my heart.

Im sure that card meant the world to him. It was so nice of you. Losing your pet is always hard. Let him know we are all praying for him.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Of course, not every animal reacts the same way to what they ingest. I have talked to people that say their dog ate a whole box of chocolates or that they feed their dogs grapes on a regular basis.

I would rather be safe than sorry and try to keep the temptations out of harm's way.

I had a dog eat a whole large bag of hersheys kisses, aluminum foil and all. He had the hershey squirts (forgive me:lmao:)and crapped tinfoil but wasn't the least bit ill from it. Other than a few messy poops that is. Sadly he had to be put down years later, he chewed up the TV cable and injested the copper. It messed him up so bad the vet couldn't fix him. Sometimes dogs that will chew or eat anything just can't be saved from themselves. My mother-in-laws dog just had surgery after eating her pantyhose for heavens sake.


Well-Known Member
I had a dog eat a whole large bag of hersheys kisses, aluminum foil and all. He had the hershey squirts (forgive me:lmao:)and crapped tinfoil but wasn't the least bit ill from it. Other than a few messy poops that is.

Our old beagle mix did that, too. She also ate several holes in the fiberglass garage door, wooden drawers, a whole pan of stuffing, and got into the trashcan more times than we can count. She had an eating disorder and a stomach of steel.


New Member
Kittykat33 - I know the incident you are writing about. I work at the hospital and this case had me in tears. I tried to give them comforting words that it was not their fault and I wish them the best. Please tell him I am truly sorry for his loss.

It is very hard to work at the emergency hospital..... I see the worst of the worst and see more sad cases than happy cases. It is these cases when the owners love their pets so much and would do anything they can for their pet but still have to make that horrible discussion. It breaks my heart every weekend and many times my drive home is a tearful one

Big hugs to him and his wife..... they are great people!!!!

Advil is very damaging to animals.... the smaller they are the harder it is on them.


New Member
Thank you for posting. I had no idea advil was so bad for the dogs. Praying for the family.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
I've never heard of ibuprofen/advil being toxic to dogs. I did a quick search and found out:

Based on the number of dogs treated, The ASPCA Poison Control Center rates Ibuprofen the number one reason for dog poisoning.

The poisoning arises from either the dog having consumed a large number of tablets after chewing through a packet or bottle of Ibuprofen or the dog being intentionally given the drug by a well meaning owner as a pain killer.

From the ASPCA database:

25-125mg per kg of body weight - symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, stomach ulcers;
more than 175mg per kg of body weight - the above symptoms plus blood in the stools, acute kidney failure;
more than 400mg per kg of body weight - the above symptoms plus seizures, coma, disorientation;
more than 600mg per kg of body weight - death. LINK

It never occured to me to give a dog human meds but I guess a lot of people do it intentionally. There were a lot of google hits that said it was "OK" even! :jameo:

Lacie Girl

My BFF is a Pit Bull!
I had a dog eat a whole large bag of hersheys kisses, aluminum foil and all.

I have a hershey kisser and Hugger too! She ate both bags in one sitting. Not even an upset stomach for her (lucky for both of us). Thank goodness milk chocolate isn't as bad as dark chocolate.

My prayers are with this guy and his family though. It's tough but they'll get through it. :huggy: