Hello all. A guy here at work told me yesterday he had to put his dog down this past weekend. He was so upset when he was telling me it just broke my heart. He said the dog got a hold of an Advil. He is blaming himself for this. He thinks there is something he could of done. Him and his wife don't remember dropping the Advil on the floor. I didn't know that this could cause a dog's death. I use to give my Pitbull my allergy medicane when she got hives, cause that's what the vet told me to do. Just wanted to share this with you guys. Didn't mean to be a downer.
It is hard to lose a pet regardless of how they die. Your friend will likely grieve for a long time. Is it possible the dog got into the advil on his own? If I left my purse on the floor, my dog would tear through it and pick out rolaids, gum, candies and who knows what else. She chewed plastic pill bottles if they were within reach.
Most vets will tell you it is OK to give dogs Benedryl for allergies.
There are many household items that *can* be fatal to dogs like chocolate, raisins, grapes; some studies say onions. Medicines and household chemical cleaners are bad and should always be kept out of reach of both pets and children! Certain plants can make both cats and dogs sick.
Of course, not every animal reacts the same way to what they ingest. I have talked to people that say their dog ate a whole box of chocolates or that they feed their dogs grapes on a regular basis.
I would rather be safe than sorry and try to keep the temptations out of harm's way.