VFW-PAC automtically endorses incumbent


New Member
“The VFW-PAC endorsement process is void of consideration for challengers,” Jewitt stated, “It is therefore not valid.” In the October issue of VFW magazine, the VFW-PAC endorsed the following senatorial and congressional candidates in Maryland: U.S. Senate – Barbara Mikulski (D); U.S. House of Representatives - Roscoe G. Bartlett (R), Benjamin L. Cardin (D), Elijah E. Cummings (D), Steny H. Hoyer (D), C. A. Ruppersberger (D), Chris Van Hollen (D), and Albert R. Wynn (D) – all incumbents.

According to the Director of the VFW-PAC, Sal Capirchio, “the process favors incumbents.” Since the likelihood of an incumbent being defeated is statistically less than 10 percent, the VFW-PAC simply played it safe. Furthermore, since the members of the VFW in Maryland were not polled as to their preferences, these endorsements most certainly do not represent the majority opinions of its members.

An even greater concern regarding the credibility of the VFW’s endorsements is evident in Jewitt’s own situation. In June of this year, having not been contacted by the VFW-PAC, Jewitt contacted the PAC to inquire about its endorsement procedures. He was informed that the decision to endorse Rep. Steny Hoyer had already been made by the Maryland Department of the VFW. Both Maryland Department officials and members of the Legislative Committee told Jewitt they are not provided information on challengers. As a result, Jewitt had not even been given the opportunity to compete for the VFW's endorsement!

Jewitt is a Major in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves with over 15 years service, including over 9 years of active duty. Jewitt is also a member of the VFW. As a congressional candidate, he has committed his support to veterans’ issues in a way that matches or exceeds any perceived commitment of Rep. Hoyer. In contrast to Jewitt’s service to his country and his status as a Veteran, Rep. Hoyer has never served one day in the military.

In April of this year, the National Defense Political Action Committee (NDP) endorsed Brad Jewitt. NDP endorsed sixty-five military veteran candidates for Congress in 2002 and fifty-seven were elected. He also enjoys the support of Rep. Duncan Hunter, the Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. “Brad Jewitt understands the men and women fighting to keep our nation free and secure,” noted Chairman Hunter at a recent Jewitt event. He continued, “Brad understands national defense, and we need that knowledge in Congress. He has the energy and experience to advocate effectively for the military, both for the active troops and our veterans.”


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
somd_bluecrab said:
“The VFW-PAC endorsement process is void of consideration for challengers,” Jewitt stated, “It is therefore not valid.” In the October issue of VFW magazine, the VFW-PAC endorsed the following senatorial and congressional candidates in Maryland: U.S. Senate – Barbara Mikulski (D); U.S. House of Representatives - Roscoe G. Bartlett (R), Benjamin L. Cardin (D), Elijah E. Cummings (D), Steny H. Hoyer (D), C. A. Ruppersberger (D), Chris Van Hollen (D), and Albert R. Wynn (D) – all incumbents.

According to the Director of the VFW-PAC, Sal Capirchio, “the process favors incumbents.” Since the likelihood of an incumbent being defeated is statistically less than 10 percent, the VFW-PAC simply played it safe. Furthermore, since the members of the VFW in Maryland were not polled as to their preferences, these endorsements most certainly do not represent the majority opinions of its members.
What good is the VFW-PAC if it does not ask its members to select the candidates for endorsment. Typical Maryland crap politics.


New Member
Man, it's funny how when things don't go your way how you discredit venerable organizations like the VFW.

As for the chairman of the Armed Services Committee endorsing Brad Jewitt..get excited!!! A Republican endorsed a Republican!!!

Seriously, Jewitt doesn't deserve a single southern Maryland vote...Steny Hoyer saved our base in the first BRAC and he will in this one; Brad Jewitt will go to Capitol Hill and not even know what he got himself into.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Steny Hoyer saved our base in the first BRAC and he will in this one; Brad Jewitt will go to Capitol Hill and not even know what he got himself into.
That is pure BS. It was the unique capabilities, the established facilities, the ability to expand, the hard work and successful endeavors of the dedicated employees (military, civil service, and contractors) that led to our survival during the previous BRAC rounds, just like it will be during this next round. Hoyer might blow his horn and claim it for himself but we would have survived no matter who was the Representative of the 5th District.


Super Genius
rraley said:
Man, it's funny how when things don't go your way how you discredit venerable organizations like the VFW.
I guess you missed this part:
"According to the Director of the VFW-PAC, Sal Capirchio, “the process favors incumbents.” Since the likelihood of an incumbent being defeated is statistically less than 10 percent, the VFW-PAC simply played it safe. Furthermore, since the members of the VFW in Maryland were not polled as to their preferences, these endorsements most certainly do not represent the majority opinions of its members."

They discredit themselves.