No more typical teen comeback than your original teen baiting question. And I don't know itsbob from Adam.
Seriously, how hard is it to Google an answer? Much faster than opening an entire thread about it.

Lighten up. This was posted in the "Joke" forum, not the "Medical Issues" forum. Itsbob started it out like a "knock knock" joke where you start off with a question.
You are new here and have not posted much. I don't know how you approach viewing posts but if you are clicking on the "new posts" option, it will give you the newest posts throughout the entire set of forums on the main somd forum. It does help to see which sub-forum the post is actually in so there is some clue about tone and intent. Most of the posters on here who have high post counts are extremely adept at google searches.
Having said that, welcome to the forums. A good rule of thumb for on here: don't post a lot of private information and remember that karma is alive and well on here. What you give out will come back to you.