Vick and Plax...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Vick served two years. The Prosecutor in NYC is trying to put Plax away for two years.

What a load of crap.


All Up In Your Grill
Who does T.O. think he is???? E.F. Hutton...

Haven't you heard? He's the saviour of Buffalo. He left America's Team to go to North America's Team. :rolleyes: Interest and television cameras are up dramatically at Buffalo's training camps and OTA's now that he's the new sheriff in town. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Haven't you heard? He's the saviour of Buffalo. He left America's Team to go to North America's Team. :rolleyes: Interest and television cameras are up dramatically at Buffalo's training camps and OTA's now that he's the new sheriff in town. :lol:

Damn you make me :drool: with all your football and racing talk. You're such a dude!


Football addict
Burress seemed like the type of goober that was bound to get in trouble anyways. Howver, 3 1/2 for merely possessing an unregistered gun? Yowza!

What about the...

...2nd Amendment?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Burress seemed like the type of goober that was bound to get in trouble anyways. Howver, 3 1/2 for merely possessing an unregistered gun? Yowza!

What about the...

...2nd Amendment?

If Plax could just get Plax to drop the assault charges, Plax could get on with being...Plax.