Victoria Secret Geisha Lingerie Sparks Controversy


Lawful neutral
Victoria's Secret Geisha Lingerie Sparks Controversy: How One Blogger Took on a Brand | Fashion - Yahoo! Shine

Immediately Jacinto sat down to write an insightful post on why she found the outfit, and the line in general, offensive. "It's the kind of overt racism masked behind claims of inspired fashion and exploring sexual fantasy that makes my skin crawl," she wrote in article published September 6 on the blog Racialicious, a site for commentary on the intersection of culture and race.

"There's a long-standing trend to represent Asian women as hypersexualized objects of fantasy," wrote Jacinto. She also took umbrage with the lingerie description as "your ticket to an exotic adventure" and the fact that none of the models for the collection were of Asian descent.


professional daydreamer
Victoria's Secret Geisha Lingerie Sparks Controversy: How One Blogger Took on a Brand | Fashion - Yahoo! Shine

Immediately Jacinto sat down to write an insightful post on why she found the outfit, and the line in general, offensive. "It's the kind of overt racism masked behind claims of inspired fashion and exploring sexual fantasy that makes my skin crawl," she wrote in article published September 6 on the blog Racialicious, a site for commentary on the intersection of culture and race.

"There's a long-standing trend to represent Asian women as hypersexualized objects of fantasy," wrote Jacinto. She also took umbrage with the lingerie description as "your ticket to an exotic adventure" and the fact that none of the models for the collection were of Asian descent.

The PC crowd won't be happy 'til women are wearing burkas to bed.

Oops...that wasn't very PC, was it?


What man doesn't fantasize about an Asian chick?

Asian chicks are 1/7 of my favorite fantasy.

Which is an 8-way including me and 1 chick from every continent.

Although - I'm not totally sure what Antarctican chicks look like, so I picture them as Penguin Furries.


Well-Known Member
Although - I'm not totally sure what Antarctican chicks look like, so I picture them as Penguin Furries.

Minus the furries...


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