Study: Video Games are Among the Most Popular Ways for Men to Cope with Stress
But this new study aims to demonstrate how men and women show significant differences in therapy, coping behavior and help-seeking. It notes that men in general are less inclined than women to seek help for their psychological needs.
It indicates that a significant percentage of male participants (29%) listed video games as a main coping strategy, with women trailing behind slightly at 18%. In contrast, more than half (52%) of female participants listed prescription pills to deal with hard times, with only 27% of men listing it as a coping method. Both genders rate “talking with friends” as their primary way to cope.
yep gaming is a great way to unwind after a difficult day at work ..... I'm more worried about the 52% of women popping pills
[I wonder if one or more bottles of wine could be counted as well - My wife has 'many' friends that brag on Facebook about drinking this or that bottle of wine EVERY Night]