Video: Man squeezes 20 year old pimple


Lawful neutral

Toronto native Andy Peppers (a pseudonym, understandably) explained that the now-infamous imperfection was on his neck and an incredible 20 years old, and during a holiday with his wife to Laos in south-east Asia, the pain became too much to bear.

‘The lump started to grow and it got to the point that it hurt for me just to tilt my head back because of all the pressure,’ he told MailOnline.

‘Then the lump started to form white-heads. Many, many white-heads.

‘Our frantic online research had us more or less convinced that this was basically a gigantic zit.



professional daydreamer
I have no desire to watch this video, but I'm curious about what why someone would post something so disgusting.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I have no desire to watch this video, but I'm curious about what why someone would post something so disgusting.

Just because they could, and they knew Misfit would find it and re-post for the benefit of all. Yuck.:evil:


Lawful neutral
I have no desire to watch this video, but I'm curious about what why someone would post something so disgusting.

I came across it during my morning news search. It is disgusting but amazing all at once. It’s been so slow here lately I thought maybe it would get someone to actually post. At least I didn’t post the GIF.



PREMO Member
there was a video floating around facebook, this guy had a huge boil / zit on his back, they must have squeezed that sucker for 15 min .....


why would someone let the damn thing grown that big


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
there was a video floating around facebook, this guy had a huge boil / zit on his back, they must have squeezed that sucker for 15 min .....


why would someone let the damn thing grown that big

Probably because he knew he could post someday soon to gross all out.

I have four cysts, non-cancerous, on my back that when squeezed, release a very foul smelling white pus. The DR says she could remove them in her office, but there would be no guarantee they would not return, and the guarantee that I would have four holes in my back for a while. My wife, bless her soul and deserving of every wife'ing award possible for being married to me for 37 years, squeezes them out about once a month. She has learned to wear glasses and a gauze mask, because sometimes those suckers just explode in all directions. She is a brave trooper. I promise will not post online to anywhere.