Videography Training


New Member
I heard about this training workshop and called to get more info. Here is what I found out. It looks pretty good.

There's a videography workshop in Baltimore on January 10th. If you're interested in getting into video or if you've dabbled with it and want to learn more, this is a great place to start. It's for beginner and intermediate level folks. There's a morning session that goes over video camera operation, auto settings and manual settings, creative filming techniques. There will be a variety of prosumer cameras there for students to look at and try out. Students will do a little filming to get some practice at the things being taught. If you have your own camera, you should take it along. The afternoon session is about editing. One instructor will teach Final Cut Pro (Mac computer) and the other will teach Adobe Premiere Pro (PC). If you have a computer with either of those softwares, you can bring it along. Video footage will be given out so students can load it onto their computer to run through the exercises being taught. Want to know how to have your video clip be black and white, except for one color. Want to learn how to create a 3-D montage? Here's your chance. The class is limited to 35 students. Their website is Video Workshop.

The workshop is going to be January 10th, 9 am - 6 pm at Hyatt Place hotel near BWI. The website has a map. It's $90 for both sessions (camera and editing) or $50 for one or the other. Check it out.