

They call me ... Sarcasmo
For LaVar?

Did LaVar play well enough today to get more field time, or was he inserted to quiet the fans by playing him against a woeful (at best) team?

From what I saw I think he did play well, over pursued on a couple of plays, but usually ended up near the ball, and in the backfield.

He definitely gets more time as the season progresses, especially since we are getting into more conference play. IMHO
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jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I think he played well. Like you said, maybe a little too eagerly and overpursued, but he was out there giving it his all. But more importantly, I think he helped fire the team up. :yay:


Football addict
I think we definintely need him in the next three games.:yay: Did you see him almost rip the 49ers quarterback Smith's head off near the sidelines in the first quarter. Oh and how about that tackle in the backfield. Damn!
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jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
I think we definintely need him in the next three games.:yay: Did you see him almost rip the 49ers quarterback Smith's head off near the sidelines in the first quarter. Oh and how about that tackle in the backfield. Damn!

Yes, I saw both plays. The man is an animal. :lol: I think he adds that undefinable "spark" to the team. I'm very glad to see his back. :yay:


You're all F'in Mad...
Lavar played yesterday because the 49'ers suck. He could screw up like he always does, trying to get on Sportscenter, and it wouldn't matter. I'm glad Lavar made the most of his opportunity. Hopefully he learned that you have to play your assignment - just like every other player on the team!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You still get the good with the bad...

...with #56.

The 49'ers first touchdown, you can see LaVarr bull rushing, head down, the guard on that side the ball carrier went through and he just slings Arrington to the ground. Doesn't even see the runner, let alone get a finger on him. It's a play he needed to clog and wait for help.

On the play he almost tore Smiths head off by grabbibg his helmet, a personal foul right there for uneccessary roughness would hurt against a better team. He also over ran a run play away from him that went for 8 yards.

And, he played hard and made some spectacular plays.

I believe Williams when he says LaVarr had a great week of practice and did everything expected of him and then some.

I believe LaVarr can and will make some super, maybe even game changing plays this season. His teamates love him and he brings a surge of energy with his explosiveness.

I also believe the Eagles and Cowboys will relay on his over persuit on a few key plays here and there.

All in all gotta give him a 8-9/10 for yesterday.