Virus attacking Apple Macintosh PCs found


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Hack attacks go on all the time.

I checked the logs of my router yesterday. I had lots of computers trying all kinds of ports some of which are open but most of which are closed. Why? Someone trying to be nasty. I wish they could start finding some of these jerks and stand them against a wall and shoot them on public TV. Then it might stop.


Asperger's Poster Child
ylexot said:
If Macs were actually popular, it would be more common. Same with Linux.
Very true. The jerks who create viruses are going where the "customers" are.

The chief vulnerability with Windows, I believe, is that Internet Explorer is so entwined with the operating system. ActiveX comes to mind. I've been using Firefox since last year. It has its vulnerabilities, but patches seem to be available more quickly.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I don't use iChat
I'm on nobody's "buddy list"
and I don't IM

Looks like I'm good to go for now. :lmao: