Virus -- Blech!


New Member
Ugh, my child has some nasty stomach bug and a sore throat along with it. NO fever, though, thank goodness. She said a lot of kids at her school complained of the same thing. I kept her home today because she feels miserable. Does the flu usually have a fever associated with it?


New Member
I don't think its the flu it seems to be a nasty virus. Stuffy head, sore throat and generally tired. She should be fine in a couple of days.


Well-Known Member
OH God!!!

Had a client come in the office and vomit for 20 minutes yesterday. We were hoping it was bad chinese or something non contageous. ####ing great :banghead:


Active Member
Ugh, my child has some nasty stomach bug and a sore throat along with it. NO fever, though, thank goodness. She said a lot of kids at her school complained of the same thing. I kept her home today because she feels miserable. Does the flu usually have a fever associated with it?
Welcome back to School! Between now, and will come home with all kinds of Creeping Crud! Plenty of Vitamin D is in order for the whole Family. Milk, and other foods have Vitamin D in it. An Adult should have 2,000 mg of Vitamin D 3 every day. Not sure about a Child. Vitamin D 3 is easily absorbed, and the very BEST on the Market! Should be taken at bedtime, after a meal, or a snack. The metabloism is slower at night, so it doesn't get out of the system as quick as it does during the day. Plus...any Vitamin can cause nausea, if taken at sleep through it. :flowers:


Active Member
Vitamin C has done me well. 1g/day

That's nice to know, however...Vitamin D 3 was recently said to be the BEST for the Immune System. Doctors are now testing the blood levels of it, and have found that Vitamin D 3 is better for the Immune System, and fighting Colds, as well as being good for the Heart. I would recomend that everyone checks with the Physician FIRST, before taking any Over the Counter Supplement. Vitamin D 3 is also good for people with a Family History of Osteopirosis too, however...if a person is taking any RX for Osteopirosis, they should talk to their Doc BEFORE taking the Vitamim. Especially if they are Pregnant, or Breast Feeding. In the meantime...wash the hands frequently, and drink plenty of water to help hydrate the Mucus Membranes. They dry out during the low-humidity months, whcih allows germs to get right in there. Keep Hands away from the eyes, nose, or mouth unless the hands are clean. Sneeze in to your elbow, to prevent spreading the germs to others.


That's nice to know, however...Vitamin D 3 was recently said to be the BEST for the Immune System. Doctors are now testing the blood levels of it, and have found that Vitamin D 3 is better for the Immune System, and fighting Colds, as well as being good for the Heart. I would recomend that everyone checks with the Physician FIRST, before taking any Over the Counter Supplement. Vitamin D 3 is also good for people with a Family History of Osteopirosis too, however...if a person is taking any RX for Osteopirosis, they should talk to their Doc BEFORE taking the Vitamim. Especially if they are Pregnant, or Breast Feeding. In the meantime...wash the hands frequently, and drink plenty of water to help hydrate the Mucus Membranes. They dry out during the low-humidity months, whcih allows germs to get right in there. Keep Hands away from the eyes, nose, or mouth unless the hands are clean. Sneeze in to your elbow, to prevent spreading the germs to others.

:lmao: All I can think about is one of those drug commercials. One that involves horse back riding and a picnic in the woods - maybe some lady in a dr's coat holding a butterfly. :lol:


Active Member
I have gained most of my knowledge, by working in the Medical Field. Last week, they did have something on-line about Vitamin D 3. It's been on the News also. about 4 years ago, is when we noticed that People with low levels of the Vitamin, suffered a wide variety of complications because of the lack of it. With the use of Sun Block these days, we are all pretty low on the Vitamin. They recomend you send your Children out for 10 minutes without it, and then apply the Sun Screen. It's also known to help people with Chronic Fatigue, Depression, and even Fibromyalgia. The BEST source of this information, is your Doctor, like I said in the previous post. If you are really interested in this, Google it. When I had my level checked , it was 17. Optimum is in the high 30's. My Doc put me on a Prescription of it. I take it once a week, as per the Directions. I am a Smoker, who use to get 4, or more Colds a year. I haven't had a Cold in about 2 years. Knock on Wood!! Smokers get Colds a lot!!