Volume Variations


Well-Known Member
Has anyone noticed, or does anyone else have a problem with volume on their METROCAST connected cable?

An example; I was watching "TBS" last night and the movie was playing like the sound was turned waaaaay down but when a commercial came on, the sound would rattle the windows. I have notices a similar issue with the NBC stations. As another example,channel 4's audio is very low but the other NBC channel; I believe it's channel 11 (??) again, rattles the windows.

I know calling METROCAST won't do any good. "Well, the problem's in your house," is the usual answer to the complaint. MY uneducated guess is that it's an amplifier problem of some sort, somewhere in the system, but they deny that and again, tell you it's in your house.


Power with Control
Gargantuan shifts in volume, agreed. Annoying when skipping commericals, especially. I get one second blasts of sound. Since it takes about 3 seconds to skip through them, I can either lower the volume for thosee three seconds, or deal with three second separate blast at that level.


Well-Known Member
Gargantuan shifts in volume, agreed. Annoying when skipping commericals, especially. I get one second blasts of sound. Since it takes about 3 seconds to skip through them, I can either lower the volume for thosee three seconds, or deal with three second separate blast at that level.
Well yeah, there's the "skip method." There's also the mute button.
I was just wondering if anyone had an understanding of why we have to skip or mute. I was told some time ago that it's a signal amplifier issue, or something like that.

Three seconds? I know you're not talking about the commercials.
At each break they seem to last about three minutes.


Power with Control
We have the DVR, and use a Harmony universal remote, which will let me do 30 second skips with one button press. Even if its not a recorded show, I'll pause it for 15 minutes or so, then start to watch. Every time a commercial starts, I hit the skip button, and it skips 30 seconds. Each 30 second commerical is one button press.

1/2 hours are usually what, two minutes, with a mix of 30 second and one mintue commercials. S about three-4 bitton presses gets me through that mess in about 5 seconds.


Well-Known Member
TV Volume Regulator - VR-1

Get something like this, or get Dish Network. No issues there at all.

I considered satellite TV; Dish; DirecTV but I have a yard-ful of pine trees; older'n dirt, so they're about 40 ft. +/- tall. I understand satellite TV is line-of-sight, and based on my limited dish mounting options, the trees would be in the way. Da**it :tantrum


Power with Control
Yeah, only RCA plugs in my system are for the Wii, everything else is HDMI, so thats not gonna help, but I do appreciate you looking.


And do you know what really pisses me off?

It's not metrocast, I have comcast - but still....

I watch CNN Headline News when I'm getting ready for work in the morning. It's great to get a quick rundown on every important thing that happened within a half hour timespan.

But Comcast keeps preempting the real news with this lameass-local-should-be-on-public-access garbage that I couldn't give two ####s about.

Plus it's always the same dude on my TV, when I could be ogling Robin Meade.

Damn, that twists my knickers.


is this your 1st time watching TBS .... been that way for a couple yrs, that I can remember ... sorry