

New Member
Has anybody with the old GMP cable modem service switched to Vonage? I've been running a little wireless network in my house with a 1st generation Airport basestation, since way back when GMP was called HSA.

Everythings been working great, but when I tried to hook up a Vonage-provided Linksys router, I couldn't get DHCP to give me an IP address. The tech support guy at Linksys even had me spoof the MAC address from my Airport basestation, but still no joy. I finally gave up and had a hell of a time putting everything back the way it was before.

When I called the old tech support number I had for GMP, the person who answered told me she'd never heard of GMP. She asked me what it stood for, and I didn't know, so I said "Great Modern Providerofinternetandcabletvservices." I obvously got that wrong.

Any help would be appreciated.


New Member
I called that number, and within minutes I was set up and working perfectly! The woman who answered, who's name I unfortunately forgot in my excitement, was knowledgeable and helpful. I'm ashamed for my crotchetyness. My cable company rocks!

Thanks 1000K!