Vote Republican or Lose New Handguns in Jan 03!!!



Just wanted to remind everyone here that the Glendenning ban on new handguns that do not meet his standards for being a "smart" gun, which is to say ALL handguns, will go into effect Jan 1, 2003 if Kennedy-Townsend is elected. This is not a proposed or threatened thing, it is a done deal, and all new handguns will be banned in Maryland if KKT gets elected.

Also, KKT vowed last night to use the Handgun Control Board to ban the sale of most semi-auto rifles. Once she can ban those guns the world will be her oyster when it comes to banning any guns that the anti-gun crowd doesn't approve of.

If you shoot you better get off your asses on November 5th and vote for Ehrlich!!!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
The law states:

originally posted by Ken King “Starting Jan. 1, 2003, dealers may not sell, offer for sale, rent or transfer any handgun made on or before Dec. 31, 2002 unless the handgun has an "integrated mechanical safety device."

An "integrated mechanical safety device" is further defined as, "A disabling or locking device that is built into a handgun; and is designed to prevent the handgun from being discharged unless the device has been deactivated."

The law also establishes a "Handgun Roster Board" appointed to (among other duties) research "personalized" handgun technology and report firearm industry progress on this technology to the Maryland General Assembly by July 1, 2002.

A handgun manufactured with "personalized" technology can only be fired by the registered owner of the gun. Only a few prototype models of these so called "smart guns" exist today, but several major gun manufactures are working on further development.”

The "Handgun Roster Board" determined in September 2002 that there are NO handguns currently manufactured that pass Maryland's standards. The only way this might change is if Ehrlich is elected. He has promised to review all Maryland gun laws.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
KKT is a liberal gun Nazi!

We all know criminals will still be able to obtain guns after Jan '03...this law is only for the law abiding citizens. :burning:

:boo: Of course she has her armed body guards and her bullet-proof limo, too bad she missed out on brains.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Continuing on Bru's theme:

Please vote AGAINST any candidate who is in favor of gun bans. Criminals aren't going to follow the law anyway - they will still have their weapons. Only law-abiding citizens, who aren't the ones that pose the threat from guns in the first place, will be stripped of their gun ownership.

The fear is NOT that the government will go wacky and we'll need to overthrow our leaders. The fear IS that we will be completely and totally helpless in the face of crime.

If someone broke into your home while you and your children were sleeping and threatened your family, which would you prefer: to possibly get to a phone and hope the police respond in time OR would you rather be able to protect your family? Run the scenario through your mind, be realistic about it, and vote accordingly.


New Member
I have a question, do you own a handgun? If you do, is it locked in a safe or something like that? Is it loaded all the time or do you have to load it on the spot? Is the ammo somewhere else? The point I am trying to make is that my gunowning friends do all of these things and if an intruder were to enter, they wouldn't be able to defend themselves in enough time. So do you really need a handgun? If it is your time then you're going.
Even though I just said that, I oppose Glenndenning's proposal because it curbs people's individual rights. That is also why I oppose the partial-birth abortion ban and measures that curb civil rights. I see ownership of guns as a choice and I choose to not own them but others should make their choice without government intervention.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dems, we do own a gun. We keep it in our bedroom closet. In an emergency, we could grab it, kick the safety, rack the slide and shoot. We have four kids, the youngest is 11. All can hit a target in a respectable manner. None has ever shot themselves or their friends. They know the gun is there but it holds no attracton for them.
If it is your time then you're going.
I prefer to have a little more control over when it's "my time", thanks. And I DEFINITELY have no intention of letting some punk decide it for me if I can possibly help it. Is that what you'd say if someone broke in your home and threatened your child - "Oh well, it's their time to go"?

And I'll also tell you that I sucked in my breath when you insinuated that partial-birth abortion is a civil right. But it did enlighten me as to what kind of person you really are.

Intelligent people will vote AGAINST the gun banners and infant brain-suckers on Nov. 5


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Originally posted by demsformd
I have a question, do you own a handgun? If you do, is it locked in a safe or something like that? Is it loaded all the time or do you have to load it on the spot? Is the ammo somewhere else? The point I am trying to make is that my gunowning friends do all of these things and if an intruder were to enter, they wouldn't be able to defend themselves in enough time. So do you really need a handgun? If it is your time then you're going.
Even though I just said that, I oppose Glenndenning's proposal because it curbs people's individual rights. That is also why I oppose the partial-birth abortion ban and measures that curb civil rights. I see ownership of guns as a choice and I choose to not own them but others should make their choice without government intervention.
I know this was originally posed to vrai but, "Do I own a handgun?" You bet. Several. The self-defense guns are loaded and in a small digitally opened safe, so they are safe but available quickly. We have an early warning system; it is called a dog. The dog may not be able to protect you, but it will wake you up.

As to your political leanings, you actually sound like a libertarian not a Democrat.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by demsformd
I have a question, do you own a handgun?
You bet I do. Getting ready to buy another.
If you do, is it locked in a safe or something like that?
Nope, but the doors to my house are locked.
Is it loaded all the time or do you have to load it on the spot?
Loaded, ready for bear or any other varmint that comes into my house unexpectedly.
Is the ammo somewhere else?
Nope, extra ammunition is right beside them, but I doubt if I will need it once I get down to business.
The point I am trying to make is that my gunowning friends do all of these things and if an intruder were to enter, they wouldn't be able to defend themselves in enough time. So do you really need a handgun?
Yeah, the idiotic laws that do nothing but make them defenseless have hampered your gun-owning friends ability to rapidly defend themselves.
If it is your time then you're going.
Really, maybe I might just be able to get an extension on my time here if I defend myself.
Even though I just said that, I oppose Glenndenning's proposal because it curbs people's individual rights. That is also why I oppose the partial-birth abortion ban and measures that curb civil rights. I see ownership of guns as a choice and I choose to not own them but others should make their choice without government intervention.
It isn’t a proposal anymore; these are laws that he pushed through the legislature. And how can you oppose the ban on the hideous act of partial birth abortion. One would think that the decision to have an abortion would be made long before the time when you need to rip the child apart.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I've got a choice of a revolver or a shotgun. Both in easy reach... The handgun has an extra six in a speed loader, the shotgun 4 in the stock. No slowdown or fumbling for anything.

All this nonsense that MD has mandated is based on ignorance and stupidity of people who seem to think every child is going to grab daddys gun and go postal. It's BS.

Every, and I do mean every, gun owner I am familiar with has instructed their children in safety and at a proper age... markmanship.

When I was a child, as early as 4, my stepfather carried a gun... As well as a badge.

When he returned home from work, or on his days off, his gun belt hung on the back of a dining room chair. Gun was loaded and everything in plain view. As a child I was taught, as my siblings, I don't touch it for any reason. If I wanted to see it... all I had to do was ASK.

After a few times of holding it and looking it over... The mystery was gone. After that it became a part of the household furnishings and went without notice thereafter.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kyle
All this nonsense that MD has mandated is based on ignorance and stupidity of people who seem to think every child is going to grab daddys gun and go postal. It's BS.

Every, and I do mean every, gun owner I am familiar with has instructed their children in safety and at a proper age... markmanship.
We started teaching our boys gun safety several years ago.

When I was a child, as early as 4, my stepfather carried a gun... As well as a badge.
My dad taught me when I was just big enough to hold his 22 rifle. I was six I think.

When he returned home from work, or on his days off, his gun belt hung on the back of a dining room chair. Gun was loaded and everything in plain view. As a child I was taught, as my siblings, I don't touch it for any reason. If I wanted to see it... all I had to do was ASK.

After a few times of holding it and looking it over... The mystery was gone. After that it became a part of the household furnishings and went without notice thereafter.
When my daughter got inquisitive, I showed her what a gun was, let her hold it (yes it was unloaded), explained that it was not a toy, and gave her a demonstration. Curiosity gone, message received, respect instilled. She enjoys shooting on occasion but now lives in Florida.