Vrai...looks like you have a new local King...


Well-Known Member

I wish to be the first to congratulate Hood on such a progressive and politically correct decision.

The gender lines have been too rigid for millenia and the sense of order imposed on us from the ancient world to the present is just too ridiculous to sustain. I am so "glaad" that we can do away with any semblance of the ancient order by a simple vote.

I would now like to nominate my dog as Prime Minister of Lusby.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
People who mess with perfectly harmless tradition in order to "make a statement" bore me. It's neither cool nor hip - it's simply ignorant and intolerant. She could have run for Homecoming QUEEN and brought her girlfriend as a date - wouldn't have bothered me any. But for her and her pals to do some punk-ass activism at the expense of Homecoming is just stupid.

This is what Hood gets for going co-ed.