

New Member
I have no problems taking Vytorin. That "Study" was done on patients with super high cholesterol. I don't have the condition described in the study. So whatever the data suggests, it doesn't apply to my case. I don't think for one second that Vytorin doesn't do what its intended to do. It quickly lowers bad cholesterol while raising the good cholesterol in the blood.

I'm not a doctor so if you feel distressed by this study, go talk to your doctor. I'm sure your doctor is aware of the study and can reassure you the best medicine to use in your situation. And ask your doctor to see the lab results showing the amounts of cholesterol in your blood both before and after starting the drug. A study on other people done 1000 times can not refute what your own blood work shows.

Good day!


New Member
For some reason I would feel muscle pain at night with this med, I got tired of it, and stopped taking it. I changed my diet around a bit, and then ended up with good cholesterol numbers. I made the choice to not take it. I am already on alot of other meds, for different problemas, Hearing about Vytorin on the news lately I felt better when I told my doctor I stopped taking it. I started eating oatmeal, nuts, olive oil, low or no fat dairy products, and using smart balance spread. I do still eat bacon, and sometimes, fried things, but not like I used to.