

endangered species
Just thought I'd say hi.

Don't ask me any serious questions, because I will not answer them.
Don't bother with whiney insults, you will just look pathetic.

So, howz it goin'?



endangered species
Hi Cloud9.

Thank you for the welcome.

Just so you know, I am not in So. Md. I am in Atlanta. I am a heathen, I mean liberal. I occassionally come here to irritate vraiblonde. And maybe Larry too.


OMG Krebs you're back! Dayum we missed you! Good to see ya boy!:biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hi Maynard! :howdy: :huggy: Where ya been?

Let me know when you're ready for some serious questions :lol: I want to settle an argument with Larry about Howard Dean. Larry says he's done after this Confederate flag flap, I say no way - Dean will be the guy.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So what's on...

...YOUR pick up truck??? he he he

I am a heathen, I mean liberal.

It's true! He stops by for some therepy every now and again!

Dude, the DU is fascinating and I want you to know I am very well behaved. I don't post no incognito freeper BS flames and don't make any veiled comments designed to stir up trouble!

There are a few ideas I have that I think of as progressive that I can't get any action on over here, campaign finance and taxes. I've been able to have some pretty good conversations about them over yonder. Lotta gun nuts to, surprisingly!

There's this guy liminousX or something that has a really cool and reasoned way he is working through the candidates wit ha link on his sig. Some good stuff over there. Lotta venom to but I stay out of it. The ground rules say what they say.

Here's a question in violation of your request: Will you handicap the Dem field?

Who do you favor?

There's parts of Dean I love but I so wish he would have told Rev. Al to stick the race baiting up his ass and save it for Trent Lott. I think he could have done us all some good.

Anyway, glad you stopped by!


endangered species
Hi guys!

Good to see you all too.
I kinda miss you sometimes in a masochistic sort of way.

I can talk to you about Dean, but probably not until Sunday. I've got a Dean "happy hour" tonite (we pick a bar each week and just show up. Kinda like a flash mob for adults.) After that, I'm driving to South Carolina to help them do a little canvassing on Saturday.

And FWIW, I have no idea if this flag flap will sink Dean. I personally do not think so, but sometimes I feel so out of touch with mainstream America, I don't know what to think. I don't even know if Dean has a chance even if the flag flap hadn't happened. As an honorary Southerner and strong civil rights supporter, Dean's comment did not bother me at all.

I am in poker mode; you just gotta throw your cards on the table and see what happens.