Wacky County Exec. Elrich


Well-Known Member
You've probably seen this already but DAMN!!!!

Many police departments allow and sometimes encourage civilian "ride alongs" with patrol officers to give them some understanding how and why officers do their job. Its a good thing.

The applicant must fill out release forms and go thru a routine records check. Makes sense.

So the ILLEGAL ALIEN with an ICE warrant on file applied to be a ride along participant because he is a Community Organizer..... in Sanctuary County Montgomery Co. Md.

The initial information confirming his status and warrant was shown to a Commander of the District Station. Now, you would think that would put a end to this applicant. NOT SO.

So, per the Chief and Mr Elrich, the same one who banned the donation of a handmade american flag to the same District Station a few months ago, the fugitive has a green light to be a participant..

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