Wait, who's the fascist dictator again?


Long Haired Country Boy
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Apparently, the whole bunch need to be purged from existence and elections held to get back to the government that the framers invisioned. This is exactly why they set up a constitutional republic with three INDEPENDENT branches and NOT a democracy like the knuckle daggers keep screaming about. That poor old Tree of Liberty is in desperate need of nutrients.


Well-Known Member

Trying to erase separation of powers and oversight. Nice.

you seem to forget, Joe wrote some songs for the Beatles back in '67, the summer of Love, alongside John Lennon. (He told me that) ... Well, they often had philosophical, creative arguments in choosing each songs verb, lyric, much akin to Julia Child making a soufflé... (He wrote Julia you know)
And you do know there were several renditions of Revolution and Revolution #9.. So:

" You say you want a Rev-O-lution" (CHECK)
"You say you want to change the Constitution" (CHECK)
"You ask me for a contribution", well, demands... (CHECK)
"But if you start carryin' a picture of Chairman Mao" (Barry instead of Mao, CHECK))
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#*! boat!
PREMO Member
These are not "joe's" plans or proposals. They are all promulgated by the puppet masters and power brokers that pull joe's strings. I'm sure they are becoming desperate.....as it's looking more and more certain that Trump will be the next prez and be in a position to appoint even more SC justices.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
"finalizing plans to endorse", what a weaselly phrase. Does this mean he will ask the Congress, or the States, to conduct a constitutional convention? It will take an amendment to the Constitution to achieve these "goals" requiring 2/3rds of both chambers of Congress or of the States to bring that about and then 3/4ths of the States would be needed for ratification. Just more smoke and mirrors from the "old coot".


Well-Known Member
These are not "joe's" plans or proposals. They are all promulgated by the puppet masters and power brokers that pull joe's strings. I'm sure they are becoming desperate.....as it's looking more and more certain that Trump will be the next prez and be in a position to appoint even more SC justices.
Gilligan is right on. We all know that Joe Biden cannot tie his shoes, and media expects us to believe he has this plan?
Obama has tried his best to destroy America during his own term and is now using Bidens term for his plans.
He was hoping for his 4th. term under Biden, but the old man's dementia was more rapid than he thought.
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PREMO Member
Does this mean he will ask the Congress, or the States,

IMHO - the Democrats want to ram through something from the Administrate State using regulations .....

They do not have the votes to pass anything through Congress ...

of Course more ILLEGAL actions by thew Biden Administration like Student Loan Forgiveness and Covid Mandates


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"finalizing plans to endorse", what a weaselly phrase. Does this mean he will ask the Congress, or the States, to conduct a constitutional convention? It will take an amendment to the Constitution to achieve these "goals" requiring 2/3rds of both chambers of Congress or of the States to bring that about and then 3/4ths of the States would be needed for ratification. Just more smoke and mirrors from the "old coot".

He (or whoever) is merely signaling fascism to the Democrat voting base, but the base isn't smart enough to understand that. Base is cheering it on, which is disturbing.


Well-Known Member
I wonder why Biden doesn't do the same for Congress...just change the statement:

Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to Congress in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for Senators and Representatives and an enforceable ethics code.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I wonder why Biden doesn't do the same for Congress...just change the statement:

Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to Congress in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for Senators and Representatives and an enforceable ethics code.
THIS is what needs to happen, but to ask progressives to give up their power for the good of the country is like asking a child to give up his candy. They've gotten too fat on the handouts to ever give a damn about anyone else. They don't plan for the future and only live in the here and now.


Well-Known Member
Any body think this is a last minute attempt to shape the Dem convention? Maybe leave a legacy for the Lunchbucket? I can hear the echos of the angry progressives when Trump put forth his nominees...their lies & demonstrations, Schumer's threats, blockade of the Justice's homes, media howling....SO, if the agenda-driven left wants to permanently impact the court and shift it away from originalists,...Barry tried to with his crayon-chewing imbeciles, and Lunchbucket then gets to mangle it more....Hey Joe...? Too little, too late. I don't think your executive orders can last either.

Will the renewed target be the Electoral college? I can see that on the horizon too.
How about expanded citizenship for millions of illegal invaders? Yet another way to destroy our Constitution.


Well-Known Member
The audacity of these ass clowns making term limits for others but not for themselves......
I believe this has been under developed.
It's amazing really, when the Congress speaks of making term limits for the Judiciary branch, when the real term limits need to be made with Congress. Term limits and age limits. No Congress person should die of old age in the Congress.
Sheila Jackson Lee has pancreatic cancer. WTF is she doing staying in Congress.? Does she really believe this country, this Congress, this Congressional Black Caucus cannot function without her dumb ass? Nancy Pelosi--Damned near as demented as Biden, rich as Midas, and as evil as Charles Manson. She has made her fortune, she has imprisoned innocent people, she has vomited her hate all over the Capitol, WTF is she still there for? Feinstein finally crossed over, what did she do in her last 2 years that we couldn't have done without. Steny Hoyer, never hit a lick in his life has his beautiful home on the beautiful Patuxent, He never saved the base to begin with, but its still there, he has been in Congress for years and years and kissed Pelosi's ass thousands of time he should have enough of chapped lips by now. GTF out.


Well-Known Member
Only in your tiny mind does "announcing support for" equal fascism.

Jesus, you must be the most victimized group on the face of the earth at this point with how much you whine and cry about everything Karen