


Wally is about ready to leave here and go hang out with other little dudes...
He will finish his isolation on the 21st.

He haa gained a pound, got his first vaccinaton, (ouch) and really started walking today...has some speed for a little dude...

Three pics from tonight..
All on my desk...
Enjoy... :howdy:

The height of the formula in the bottle is 2.5 inches..for scale...


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  • got milk.JPG
    got milk.JPG
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u gotta love me

New Member
Inkpen said:
Wally is about ready to leave here and go hang out with other little dudes...
He will finish his isolation on the 21st.

He haa gained a pound, got his first vaccinaton, (ouch) and really started walking today...has some speed for a little dude...

Three pics from tonight..
All on my desk...
Enjoy... :howdy:

The height of the formula in the bottle is 2.5 inches..for scale...

What a cute little guy! Shame you gotta let him go.


u gotta love me said:
What a cute little guy! Shame you gotta let him go.

Oh, got to release him...no other option, other than euthanisia, and no reason for that, he is very healthy.

State law dictates he be released and not kept a a pet.

He will grow up, get released this fall and make lots of babies next year....he is one handsome dude and all the gals will fall for him (wink)....


New Member
Inkpen said:
Wally is about ready to leave here and go hang out with other little dudes...
He will finish his isolation on the 21st.

He haa gained a pound, got his first vaccinaton, (ouch) and really started walking today...has some speed for a little dude...

Three pics from tonight..
All on my desk...
Enjoy... :howdy:

The height of the formula in the bottle is 2.5 inches..for scale...

But he is still so little, is he going to be able to fend for himself out there?


ITS ME said:
But he is still so little, is he going to be able to fend for himself out there?

He goes to another rehabber where he will join others his own age and learn to be a raccoon. He will be released this fall when he is at adolescent weight.
He will be able to care for himself by then and not want to be near people.
Right now, he is JUST getting his baby teeth.

u gotta love me

New Member
I dont know if this is a stupid question -- can you spay or neuter him before he is released? or is that necessary is the raccoon population under control?


u gotta love me said:
I dont know if this is a stupid question -- can you spay or neuter him before he is released? or is that necessary is the raccoon population under control?

No need.....they get a full set of vaccinations, including one against rabies, get wormed and start of very healthy.

There is a good balance here...babies are often nabbed for food by eagles, owls, foxes, hawks, etc. Not to mention getting trapped and killed, shot, run over, hunted by dogs. Momma dies and leaves kits all alone and hungry and they leave the den and go look for food.

Wally was found on the road next to his litter mate who was run over.
No Momma...so Wally is an orphan. He is in isolation for a few more days, and is doing very well!
He will love hanging out with other dudes his own age..and species.

Momma only has one litter a year and spends a lot of time and energy raising them.

As rehabbers, we do what we can to rehabilate and release back to the wild.


dawn said:
Inkpen - Wally sure has grown up to be a handsome man!

:howdy: :howdy:

Thanks Dawn..He is one smart looking dude!!!
Ok...Ill admit as a foster mom I am biased...but what a good looking little man!!!
The gals are gonna love him come spring!!!

He has done well, eats great, good bathroom issues, and a good sleeper!
I am a proud mommy!!!! :smile:
Inkpen said:
Oh, got to release him...no other option, other than euthanisia, and no reason for that, he is very healthy.

State law dictates he be released and not kept a a pet.

He will grow up, get released this fall and make lots of babies next year....he is one handsome dude and all the gals will fall for him (wink)....
Isn't that an odd law? You can hunt them down with dogs and kill them, yet not keep them as pets.


desertrat said:
Isn't that an odd law? You can hunt them down with dogs and kill them, yet not keep them as pets.

No wild animals are to be kept as pets in Maryland.
State law.
That is to keep wild animals wild and people safe from wild animals.
Especially beacuse of the risk of rabies is SO high here in Maryland.

State "owns" the wildlife, and have an obligation to keep its citizens safe from harm, so no making pets of wildlife.

Plus is it right to keep a wild animal as a "pet"?
What kind of life is that for something so wired to be wild?

Hunting laws permit the hunting of/ trapping of raccoons.
Some people still deal in the fur trade.


Bud said:
Do you have an update on that young grey fox you rescued?

First.. I like your avatar!!!!

Bowie is doing great.. has a fox buddy and is eating normal food and will be released in a few more weeks.

He too is gonna make the gals happy come next spring! Arhoooooo!!!! :getdown:


Well-Known Member
I found a turtle that I think was skimmed by a car, he shell was cracked about his left leg and his leg was bleeding. I took him to the humane society and they said he may be to bad to fix, how do they put a turtle down?


Wally leaves today

Well, Wally graduated from his 10 day isolation class.
He passed with flying colores!!

Today he got to go outside, play on the freshly cut lawn and played follow the leader..I lead, he jogged behind,
He got to climb inot a tree.. ( was not to sure about it..my teeshirt is better for climbing.....)
He peed and pooped on his own...sadly it was on my lap as we watched Dr. Doolittle..but he did it on his own.
You really are no one until a baby pees and poops on you.

Wally leaves later today to go meet a sweet little girl to be a buddy to.
She is a singleton and needs a buddy to hang out and grow up with and Wally is that buddy!!

Wally came here all of 14 ounces, he is now 2 pounds, 2 ounces and quite the dude!!!

Of course I will miss him, but in about 4 more weeks he will turn into Mr teenager with an attitude raccoon...and will not want anything to do with anything with only 2 feet.

Tomorrow moring will be our last photo session..so I will post picks of him outside in his world!!

Odd thing..the man he was named after, a dear friend of my family died the same day that Wally was found on the side of the road. I just found this out yesterday.



dawn said:
I found a turtle that I think was skimmed by a car, he shell was cracked about his left leg and his leg was bleeding. I took him to the humane society and they said he may be to bad to fix, how do they put a turtle down?

Hi Dawn,
Same way as they put any animal down.
Oddly, turtles have a very slow metabolism and it takes a while for them to fall asleep and die..they feel no pain, they just take a few minutes more than a dog or cat.

Actually, we mend crackes shells and skinned legs.
They do very well...and are good healers. But perhaps the one you found had internal trauma.
Thanks for helping him out !!!!! :howdy:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Good on you Inkpen for all the work you do rescuing these wild critters. I'm glad Wally is thriving and getting a second chance to become the wild creature he was meant to be. :yay: