Walter Mitty Fantasy...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I wouldn't be in the band, I'd be behind the scenes making sure they have what they need, are where they're supposed to be when they're supposed to be there, and don't kill themselves with drugs before I make a piss ton of money off them.

But that's not a fantasy because that job would suck ass. However if someone held a gun to my head and said, "Be part of a band or die!" I'd pick the management position.
I oftentimes think it would have been so cool to be a band member of Blue Oyster Cult and play the cow bell. :getdown:
I wouldn't be in the band, I'd be behind the scenes making sure they have what they need, are where they're supposed to be when they're supposed to be there, and don't kill themselves with drugs before I make a piss ton of money off them.

But that's not a fantasy because that job would suck ass. However if someone held a gun to my head and said, "Be part of a band or die!" I'd pick the management position.
You would make a killer Kris Kardashian. :clap:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I wouldn't be in the band, I'd be behind the scenes making sure they have what they need, are where they're supposed to be when they're supposed to be there, and don't kill themselves with drugs before I make a piss ton of money off them.

But that's not a fantasy because that job would suck ass. However if someone held a gun to my head and said, "Be part of a band or die!" I'd pick the management position.

...of which band????


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...of which band????

Wardog. Or some other equally talented group of musicians who are ham n' egging it instead of living up to their potential, playing the system to build a fan base and make a #### ton of money, then using their fame to bring their real genre to the masses, retiring early as legends, and doing the occasional tour when they felt like it.

Or I'd want to be Madonna's manager so I could tell her that she's 56 freaking years old and should stop taking her clothes off because nobody wants to see her geriatric boobage.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Wardog. Or some other equally talented group of musicians who are ham n' egging it instead of living up to their potential, playing the system to build a fan base and make a #### ton of money, then using their fame to bring their real genre to the masses, retiring early as legends, and doing the occasional tour when they felt like it.

Or I'd want to be Madonna's manager so I could tell her that she's 56 freaking years old and should stop taking her clothes off because nobody wants to see her geriatric boobage.

Why don't you try something simple, like curing cancer, rather than trying to talk sense to musicians? I like your ambition! Aim high!
Or I'd want to be Madonna's manager so I could tell her that she's 56 freaking years old and should stop taking her clothes off because nobody wants to see her geriatric boobage.