Want to ose 6 pounds in 2 days?

wharf rat

Smilin on a cloudy day
Want to lose 6 pounds in 2 days?

Try food poisoning. It really works!
Just don't have any implements of death near by because you might be tempted to use them on yourself.

I'm going back to bed now.:barf:
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Try food poisoning. It really works!
Just don't have any implements of death near by because you might be tempted to use them on yourself.

I'm going back to bed now.:barf:

No thanks, I'll do it the less painful way. But I feel for you, I've been down that road, not pleasant, but remember to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate or otherwise you'll be in the hospital for the holidays and that would suck even more.


Cleopatra Jones
What is the difference between food poisining and regular ol' flu symptoms?

Hope you feel betters soon, WR. :huggy:

I got a mild case of food poisoning when I was pregnant with N. Went from being totally fine one second to being curled up on the floor with stomach pain the next. Then the other fun stuff started. I didn't have the achey body and overall feeling like crap that you get with the flu.
BadGirl: What is the difference between food poisining and regular ol' flu symptoms?
Also, the violence of the removal of the toxins from your body, either upper or lower.

I had severe food poisoning (soft shell crabs that were in the freezer too long), but didn't bother my spouse at the time. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant...and by the time I was able to get to the hospital...like 2 to 3 hours after it started, I was severely dehydrated and had lost nearly all amniotic fluid.

Best thing at first sign of poisoning is BURNT TOAST.....basically like charcoal, absorbs the toxins.