The two authors are history professors at Baylor. That's what history professors do besides just teach - write articles, and most of them get the facts right.
I really don't see your angle on this.
Example: Southern Methodist University (SMU) has about 12,000 students. About 16% are Methodists, 26% Catholic, 40% other Protestant, and the remaining 18% all other religions or none. Maybe the two writers on the Baylor article were just objectively pointing out facts, regardless of spinning numbers to reflect their personal biases?
The writers properly pointed out what Christians have to do to grow any school or church or denomination - Follow the script laid out in the Christian bible, and follow the tenets of Jesus.
I have no problem about the article or why it ended in the WaPo, and probably many other papers.
Because if they don't address what is going on, they don't know what is going on.
What Is the Emerging Church?|Claims to Be Christian|Broad ...
The Emerging Church is a movement that claims to be Christian. The term 'Emerging Church' is used to describe a broad, controversial movement that seeks to use culturally sensitive approaches to reach the postmodern, un-churched population with the Christian message.
Some churches went "Emergent" and we can't agree on a definition because they are still reinventing what Church is. The Church is the Ekklesia. "Ek" means "out" or "out from":
And the other word is a derivative of "to call":
We're called out of the word or out of the darkness that we were living in into God's kingdom so to speak.
The Emergent Church has reversed that definition and they are now the "called in" ones. They are calling the world into the Church, they take the names down like "Baptist" and they dumb down church and get rid of the old people because the old people remind people what a Church is. So then Church becomes no different than a 4H Club, you don't learn anything, etc.
Why is this book being taught in Churches and why is it underlined 22,000 + times in my Kindle? It is because you either change, put up with it or you leave Church because some of them have lost faith in being able to do church themselves and they've gone emergent.
Who Stole My Church: What to Do When the Church You Love Tries to Enter the 21st Century
None of the authors have addressed this and there are over 5,000 churches that have done something like this but everyone doesn't know what is going on, they don't want to address it and people who speak out can get sued.
So unless we start a new post on the emergent Church, don't expect people to be experts at it. I have at least three books on the Emergent Church. Most people can't give me a bibliography let alone tell me what is going on because they are clueless.