Warning Attack Hen's on lose in SOMD


This week it has been reported that attack hen's,
Have got lose from an experimental farm here in Southern MD
Children are reported to be safe!
They seem to only attack people who have an opinion.

It is also been reported that the killer hen's have infiltrated
Southern Maryland On line and run amok feeding on something that is known as green Karma?
Leaving nothing behind but a bloody trail of red JUJU?

It's has been suggested that these Killer Hens are inbred for there size and power and possibly infected with rabies

Local authorities have suggested turning lose a pack of hen eating fox to combat these pesky creatures.
And is suggest to give green Karma to Gumbo every chance you get
to help heal the Attack wounds that he has suffered..
Doing combat with the killer hens..

Thank you have a nice week end. :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme


Sharon said:
:wah: <--- Click

Will U lighten up!
You know that was funny :killingme :killingme

Some people can't take a joke :confused:

I guess the shoe fit :howdy:

Whats the record of most Red ju ju..

Look out I am going for it :patriot:


KCM said:
You are definitely a glutton for punishment aren't you. :lmao:
If I just went and laid down ,I would be pond scum

I would rather be killed off fighting :boxing: And laughing

Than to hide from a pack of killer hens :barf: :barf: :barf:


Oz said:
Nice work OZ , We can always count on you for a laugh :lmao:

This forum is suppose to be fun.. Not hen pecked

You still got the hottest av on here with Wenchys running a close second.

Woop woop woop.
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You're all F'in Mad...
gumbo said:
Nice work OZ I can always count on you for a laugh :lmao:

You still got the hottest av on here with Wenchys running a close second.

Woop woop woop.

Wenchy's Avatar makes me want to morph into a Strawberry! :cool:


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Sharon said:
:wah: <--- Click

I want to apologize ! To Sharon out in the open.

I am sorry for my accusations of you being a hen.
And pecking away at Karma.
2nd told me it was not your style and he was right.

Being the hard headed A$$ that I can be at times
I had called you out unjustly out of aggravation.

So you hit me me with the red stuff to teach me a lesson.

So I write to all fellow hen kickers Sharon is not one of them.

This I know because she lets you know she done it and when she hit
me. The karma scale went south and my computer burst into flames :eek:h well:

2nd and myself have come to some agreements and called a truce.
Please accept my humblest apology for calling you a hen among other things.
~Gumbo~ Lession learned.
Can't we all just get along....
PS this thread was meant to be funny...
Thank you to those who sent the green karma..
To those who sent the bad stuff... Popeye's is opening soon on Rt 5
YOU BETTER RUN !!!!!!! :boxing:

Love , Peace and chicken grease
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