Was this you?


Salt Life
I stopped by Marshalls Thursday evening and as I was walking in a lady pushed her shopping cart off towards a vehicle. It started moving backwards and she quickly grabbed it before hitting the vehicle. She then takes the same shopping cart and tries to find a snuggly spot next to another shopping cart, but still not where it *should* go. The shopping cart starts rolling away and I hear "No! No! No!" then a "B-A-M" as the shopping cart hit a vehicle.

Some people's kids...:ohwell:
Wasn't me... this is exactly why I always park in the fire lanes... that way I can leave the cart on the sidewalk and not endanger the other cars in the parking lot.


My Sweetest Boy
I stopped by Marshalls Thursday evening and as I was walking in a lady pushed her shopping cart off towards a vehicle. It started moving backwards and she quickly grabbed it before hitting the vehicle. She then takes the same shopping cart and tries to find a snuggly spot next to another shopping cart, but still not where it *should* go. The shopping cart starts rolling away and I hear "No! No! No!" then a "B-A-M" as the shopping cart hit a vehicle.

Some people's kids...:ohwell:

I saw the very same thing happen at a grocery store in PF last week. Lady was done loading up her car and then just shoved the cart aside and it went rolling and BAM! right into a really nice van and put a good sized dent in rear quarter panel. I left a note with the perp's license plate, description of vehicle and time of the offense. :lol:


Salt Life
I saw the very same thing happen at a grocery store in PF last week. Lady was done loading up her car and then just shoved the cart aside and it went rolling and BAM! right into a really nice van and put a good sized dent in rear quarter panel. I left a note with the perp's license plate, description of vehicle and time of the offense. :lol:
Oooh, busted.


Wasn't me... this is exactly why I always park in the fire lanes... that way I can leave the cart on the sidewalk and not endanger the other cars in the parking lot.


You got two of my pet peeves wrapped up in one......lazy POS's.



New Member
I saw the very same thing happen at a grocery store in PF last week. Lady was done loading up her car and then just shoved the cart aside and it went rolling and BAM! right into a really nice van and put a good sized dent in rear quarter panel. I left a note with the perp's license plate, description of vehicle and time of the offense. :lol:

Good for you!!!!! :howdy:

I've seen that happen before, but wasn't quick enough to get the tag number because I was too busy trying to get the cart to not hit the car.


New Member
I saw the very same thing happen at a grocery store in PF last week. Lady was done loading up her car and then just shoved the cart aside and it went rolling and BAM! right into a really nice van and put a good sized dent in rear quarter panel. I left a note with the perp's license plate, description of vehicle and time of the offense. :lol:

:yay: Good for you, I wish more people would do that. My husband had his truck dented this weekend in a parking lot somewhere


New Member
I saw the very same thing happen at a grocery store in PF last week. Lady was done loading up her car and then just shoved the cart aside and it went rolling and BAM! right into a really nice van and put a good sized dent in rear quarter panel. I left a note with the perp's license plate, description of vehicle and time of the offense. :lol:

:clap: Let me guess - was this the Safeway parking lot in PF? That parking lot is a bear when it comes to holding onto your cart and trying to open your trunk. I think I tore a knee ligament when I went there last. I usually go to Giant unless Safeway is having a really ridiculous sale.


Free to Fly
I remember once my best-friend and I were at Walmart when a storm was brewing in VA and the nice strong wind was blowing loose carts all over the place! It really doesn't take that long to put it back. Cattitude - kudos to you!


Lem Putt
Wasn't me... this is exactly why I always park in the fire lanes... that way I can leave the cart on the sidewalk and not endanger the other cars in the parking lot.

I like how you wear your curlers to the store so we can all see how much you care about your appearance.


off the shelf
I saw the very same thing happen at a grocery store in PF last week. Lady was done loading up her car and then just shoved the cart aside and it went rolling and BAM! right into a really nice van and put a good sized dent in rear quarter panel. I left a note with the perp's license plate, description of vehicle and time of the offense. :lol:

Zman saw a lady that was trying to park her cart in the space between her car and the car in front of her....he went over and said "can I take that for you so it won't accidently hit that car" and the lady said "here you go kid"....as he took the cart from her he said "I think people that do that are just rude" :lol:


You're a LOON :)
My old boss and I were sitting at work one day and we saw a shopping cart go flying across the parking lots. He laughed and pointed that it was going to hit a car. Guess what... it hit his car :roflmao: Busted out his tail light. I told him that's what he gets for laughing


Has confinement issues..
This is why I don't mind driving my beat up van. People are so ignorant and I know as soon as I get a new car, something with hit it.:ohwell:


off the shelf
This is why I don't mind driving my beat up van. People are so ignorant and I know as soon as I get a new car, something with hit it.:ohwell:

Soon as mine got paid off a big ass pick-up backed into my grill in the WalMart parking lot and busted it and of course left....I saw the whole thing and couldn't get the license plate number :ohwell:


Has confinement issues..
Soon as mine got paid off a big ass pick-up backed into my grill in the WalMart parking lot and busted it and of course left....I saw the whole thing and couldn't get the license plate number :ohwell:

This is why I carry a large rock in my car. I"m pretty handy with a rock.:lol:
My old boss and I were sitting at work one day and we saw a shopping cart go flying across the parking lots. He laughed and pointed that it was going to hit a car. Guess what... it hit his car :roflmao: Busted out his tail light. I told him that's what he gets for laughing


If I could have gotten to my truck quick enough, he would have had a tire checker in his back window

You would have chucked a tire checker at his truck? Holy ####!
