State Police Washington Metro Troop May 2019


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(College Park, Md) The Washington Metro Trooper which consists of the Forestville, College Park and Rockville Barracks continues to promote safe driving in an effort to reduce fatal collision within Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties.

During the month of May 2019, Troopers conducted 5,979 traffic stops which lead to 102 drunk/drug driving arrests, 727 cell phone violations and 443 seat belt violations. These three types of violations have contributed to 12 fatal accidents this year. In conjunction with our traffic efforts, troopers have removed and apprehended 557 criminals for various felony and misdemeanor crimes from Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties.

The Maryland State Police reminds you to put your phone down, buckle your seat belt on and don’t drink and drive. Doing these simple tasks will save a life! Anyone having information regarding drunk/drug driving or criminal activity is urged to dial #77 to contact you nearest State Police Barrack. You can contact the below barracks at their respective phone number.

Forestville Barrack – (301) 568-8101
College Park Barrack – (301) 345-3101
Rockville Barrack – (301) 424-2101

[ This article originally appeared here ]