Washington Nationals


Well-Known Member
We've got the team with the best record in baseball and there is no mention of them here. Going to have baseball in October here for the first time in proably 60 plus years.
There are no weak links on this team except for Rodriquz(sp) and he will proably be dropped when Jason Werth and Chad Tracy come back next week.
This team is going to be good for many years to come. :yahoo:

PS. Orioles also having good year hopefully they can maybe snag one of the wildcards.


New Member
I'm on board with them, but then again I've been on board with them since they came to town. I'm thrilled with how they're doing (last night excepted). If they can hold it together and still be playing relevant games into September I'll be happy. I've never asked more from my teams than entertain me with halfway decent ball 162 games a year; if they want to play a few more than that, I'm OK with that too.


Well-Known Member
I remember the ole saying , Washington 1st in War - 1st in Peace and LAST in the American League . Can't believe I lived long enough to see a Washington team better than a Baltimore Team . Go Nats , but I still love those O's