Washington Post’s Next Conspiracy: Maybe Trump ‘Repaying’ Putin for Kremlin’s Election ‘Help’


PREMO Member
The Post did not specify to which “deference” it was referring. Trump has taken a hardlineapproach toward Russia, rejecting its annexation of Crimea, sanctioning Russian entities and checking Russian influence in Syria among many other actions.

The newspaper’s editorial board also stated as fact that Putin interfered in the 2016 election specifically to assist Trump in the presidential race when there was no consensus conclusion reached on that assessment by the U.S. intelligence community and serious questions have been raised about the unsubstantiated claim.

Shortly after the release of Attorney General William P. Barr’s summary of Mueller’s main conclusions on Sunday, the Washington Post published an editorial board piece titled, “Trump did not collude with Russia. But he’s wrong to say Mueller exonerated him.”
