This Space for Rent
So, I was sitting scanning the Washington Post this morning when I notice a story about how the U.S. has pumped $2 million into Palestinian projects that look like they were done by the Palestinian Authority. The purpose is to sway the elections coming on Wednesday in favor of the Palestinian Authority and away from Hamas. A good goal; the evil we know from the exponentially worse evil of Hamas. The story talks about how all the projects were done without any U.S. label or knowledge of U.S. backing so it would help the Authority and not associate to the U.S. which could disable the plan.
So, its Sunday.. the elections are Wed. This has been done in secret as propaganda for a purpose with a good benefit... and... the Washington Post has just revealed the whole thing. Couldn't the story have run... say... Thursday!?
So, its Sunday.. the elections are Wed. This has been done in secret as propaganda for a purpose with a good benefit... and... the Washington Post has just revealed the whole thing. Couldn't the story have run... say... Thursday!?