Washington Post this a.m.


This Space for Rent
So, I was sitting scanning the Washington Post this morning when I notice a story about how the U.S. has pumped $2 million into Palestinian projects that look like they were done by the Palestinian Authority. The purpose is to sway the elections coming on Wednesday in favor of the Palestinian Authority and away from Hamas. A good goal; the evil we know from the exponentially worse evil of Hamas. The story talks about how all the projects were done without any U.S. label or knowledge of U.S. backing so it would help the Authority and not associate to the U.S. which could disable the plan.

So, its Sunday.. the elections are Wed. This has been done in secret as propaganda for a purpose with a good benefit... and... the Washington Post has just revealed the whole thing. Couldn't the story have run... say... Thursday!? :banghead:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
This has been done in secret as propaganda for a purpose with a good benefit... and... the Washington Post has just revealed the whole thing.
If I were Imperial Grand Poohbah, I would execute the owners and editors of the WashPost and NYT for treason. There are things that happen in our government that the unwashed masses do not need to know about.

It's almost like the WANT Hamas and other terrorist groups to be in power.


This Space for Rent
WASHINGTON - Troops and civilians at a U.S. military base in Iraq were exposed to contaminated water last year and employees for the responsible contractor, Halliburton, couldn't get their company to inform camp residents, according to interviews and internal company documents.

Halliburton, the company formerly headed by Vice President Dick Cheney, disputes the allegations about water problems at Camp Junction City, in Ramadi, even though they were made by its own employees and documented in company e-mails.

And another thing... Dick Cheney hasn't worked for Halliburton in about 8 years. Why is it every time a HAL story comes up to this day they must throw his name into it? Lots of people headed HAL and worked for HAL...


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
And another thing... Dick Cheney hasn't worked for Halliburton in about 8 years. Why is it every time a HAL story comes up to this day they must throw his name into it? Lots of people headed HAL and worked for HAL...
Probably two reasons - one is that until a few years ago, he was still drawing down his last bit of pay from them. I can't remember the details, except that it was something like three years after separating from them, he was drawing some kind of payout.

The biggest of course, is guilt by association and presumption of preferential treatment - that Halliburton gets first dibs on things because Dick Cheney is rewarding his friends. Further, every time they look bad, it's presumed he looks bad."The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones". People figure if Halliburton is "bad" now, it was "bad" when Cheney was part of it.


Well-Known Member
It looked like that crap came from the AP. This mornings Post was unusually full of anti GOP articles.


FromTexas said:
And another thing... Dick Cheney hasn't worked for Halliburton in about 8 years. Why is it every time a HAL story comes up to this day they must throw his name into it? Lots of people headed HAL and worked for HAL...
Same reason they point out that Bush was owner of a failed business. Funny that many Republicans actually had jobs outside of politics whereas most dems are career politicos.


This Space for Rent
Oh btw - I got to hear some of W's speech when I was at lunch today. I really liked where he pointed out two things.

1) If he was really doing something illegal with the wiretapping, why was he briefing Congress on it the entire time? :lmao: He pointed out that from the start of this decision, he had the lawyers involved and had briefed many members of Congress on the decision. They then kept them briefed on what actions were being taken.

2) He pointed out how the military leaders on the ground in Iraq said things were going well and they didn't need anything. He then said he wanted people to pay extra attention to the fact he was listening to the *experts on the ground* and he didn't want people to worry that he would start listening to the focus groups, polls, and other groups over the *experts*. Talk about a jab at the media and Democrats. I really like how he told people they didn't have to worry that he would start listening to those people. :killingme