Washington Post


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
They did their Virginia endorsements today - Ds on down the line. But no! THEY'RE not biased!

I'd link to it but the Post wants you to register to see anything on their website. They suck.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
They did their Virginia endorsements today - Ds on down the line. But no! THEY'RE not biased!

I'd link to it but the Post wants you to register to see anything on their website. They suck.
Funny thing is that down here in King George, a very conservative county, most people have signs up for the democrat Kaine for Govenor. I guess cause he's got the sitting govenors blessing.


I don't think folks in VA or MD even know what a conservative county even is. I thought I knew when I lived there, but then I came down here to Clay county and found out I was clueless about what a conservative area is like!


Well-Known Member
Was Kilgore's campaign orchestrated by Michael Moore? I certainly hope the Republican party doesn't make a habit dropping to that level. On second thought, those TV spots of Kilgore's sounded more like Al Franken material.


Routinely Derailed
Bruzilla said:
I don't think folks in VA or MD even know what a conservative county even is. I thought I knew when I lived there, but then I came down here to Clay county and found out I was clueless about what a conservative area is like!
With the large influx of NAVAIR folks, I think St. Mary's is pretty conservative. The rest of the state's a waste, though. I grew up in Montgomery County and have always been ashamed of their politics.


Railroad said:
With the large influx of NAVAIR folks, I think St. Mary's is pretty conservative. The rest of the state's a waste, though. I grew up in Montgomery County and have always been ashamed of their politics.

Down here in Clay, every public school doubles as a church on Sunday, and as a church summer school during the summer months. Churches also took over control of the schools on Halloween night for social events. Before the 2004 election, almost every house in our plan had a Bush/Cheney sign in the yard, only one house out of about 300 or so had a Kerry sign. Also, on-duty sheriff's deputies are detailed to all the major churches to direct traffic on Sundays. And last year at Christmas, the mayor of Orange Park, the only real town in the county, set up a huge Christmas display with reindeer, Santas, nativity scenes, but no Jewish of other religious displays, all over the city hall grounds. When the ACLU sent him a letter threatening legal action his reply to them was bring it on and we'll raise whatever money and legal resources we'll need to defeat you. The ACLU never took any action.

We have 12 stores that sell firearms in the county, including two Class III dealers who actually have store-front locations to buy machine guns. We also have the highest per capita CWP issuance in the state. You can drive just about anything you want as there are no vehicle or emissions inspections. Schools still have, and use, corporal punishment... with the full consent of a huge majority of parents. The majority of citizens of the county are either active duty or former military. We have only three real "bars" and no strip clubs, XXX movie sales/rentals, nor adult "bookstores."

So... this is a much more conservative area than St. Marys ever was while I was there.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dear Bruzilla,

I'm coming to live with you. Have the guest room ready.




Here's something else that I thought was highly insightful. As I said, at Christmas time the churches and the OP government set up and maintain all those Christmas displays that drove the ACLU nuts at city hall. But last month, city hall was the site of a big weekend Fall Festival, and they were playing up the halloween, devil, evil things motifs quite a bit. They were also selling beer at the concession stands.

A reporter for the Florida Times Union thought it would be a cool thing to go talk to some church leaders and get their take on city hall being used to "promote" drinking and halloween. The response from the church leaders was about unanimous in that they all pretty much said that city hall property belongs to everyone in the town, and everyone should be allowed to use it as long as what they're doing isn't illegal, dangerous, obscene, etc. I read those statements and I was like Wow! What a concept! Rather than deny access to everyone, provide access to everyone. Rather than deny access or use of public property out of fear that a few folks might get offended, allow everyone to use them and that way everyone gets equally offended. I think that at one time in our distant past, this "new" concept was called freedom to practice religion, freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, or something like that. It's just been so long since I've actually seen the average folks get to really enjoy those rights that my memory is a bit hazy.